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  • Gutted.

    I am totally gutted, got home from work to find my 1cm A.Geniculata has moulted and with this has died, ? i think. And the worse thing is i think its totaly my fault. To dry, and the poor little thing is all hunched up, not moving and very white. I know its just moulted but, instincts tell me she has died. Feel like a total T..T. didnt think i woul;d feel so gutted about a thing the size of a pea, but there you go...!

  • #2
    Sorry to hear that dude, same thing happened to me with a H Lividum sling.

    Humidity doesn't play as large a role as we think in a successful moult I'm sure, these things happen.

    Did the sling get out of the moult fully?
    All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


    • #3
      Yes it did Rob. Cant see anything else wrong with it.


      • #4
        Ah, so there's hope yet!

        Give it some time, could be the sling's just catching it's breath so to speak, hopefully it'll surprise you!

        My H Lividum got stuck half way through, so no chance there then

        Good luck, keep us posted!
        All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


        • #5
          I lost a A.Geniculata sling also about a month ago. It was too dry and this seems to be an issue for the Genics. My larger one moulted this week and looks fantastic, but I had made sure the humidity was higher.
          Everyones an Expert! "Ex" is a has been - "spurt" is a strong gush of water! You decide............................


          • #6
            Yeah, now its fingers crossed for my A.Natalensis

