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2nd successful moult

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  • 2nd successful moult

    My little B. emilia decided to venture out of her burrow today sporting a new set of clothes and looking decidely larger woohoo!!!

    She is now approx 2" and looking gorgeous. I can see the exuvium behind her in the plantpot so will remove it later when I wont be disturbing her too much.

    Flippin heck but its all happening here lol. I'm sure my little G. pulchra's and my G. aureo are all in premoult too. The G. aureo hasnt eaten in just over 2 weeks and the G. pulchra's for about 1.5 weeks. I can large dark spots on the G. pulchra's abdomens but not on the G. aureo.

    My larger B. boehmei (2.5-3") hasnt eaten for a couple of weeks either and has now dug a burrow.

    There must be something in the water lol. What a great couple of days it has been.


    Give me all your Avics !!!!!

  • #2
    Again, nice one. And I know what you mean. I had a spate of moults at the start of the year and I've had another during the past month. Still a couple to come, I think.


    • #3
      Thanks Warren. By the sounds of it they like to keep you on your toes.

      Hope they go well.


      Give me all your Avics !!!!!


      • #4
        Congrats on the successful moult Elaine. I'm expecting my Boehmei to moult soon, but it'll probably keep me waiting lol.
        B. boehmei - T. blondi - G. rosea x 5 -
        C. cyaneopubescens - N. chromatus -
        L. parahybana - H. maculata x 2 - G. aureostriata
        P. irminia - P. murinus


        • #5
          Originally posted by Helen Roberts View Post
          Congrats on the successful moult Elaine. I'm expecting my Boehmei to moult soon, but it'll probably keep me waiting lol.
          Thanks Helen

          I'm sure your B. boehmei will moult when you are not looking. I was hoping to catch one of mine in the act but it wasnt to be

          Still, I have a few others that I'm bound to catch at least 1 of them moulting


          Give me all your Avics !!!!!


          • #6
            I got a couple more, but not from the bugs I was expecting. Out of my spiders: the male P. regalis I got at the BTS show. He doesn't seem to have matured yet, although I wasn't expecting him to; but I'll have a better look when I catch him out of his tube.

            Has your emilia darkened up yet (or had it darkened up)? What's it look like now?


            • #7
              Congratulations on your P. regalis moult

              My B. emilia has changed colour a bit. Her orange legs looks brighter and the black is looking more of a dark grey just now but is starting to darken a bit. She just looks so cute and fluffy
              She looks a bit darker this morning compared to yesterday and is out in the open all the time now.


              Give me all your Avics !!!!!


              • #8
                Hi Elaine

                Congrats!! I think my B.bohemi is about to shed again, it has only been a couple of weeks tho, is that normal? Probably a silly question but I don't know what normal yet



                • #9
                  if you have tanks next to each other with the same type of T in. Would they shed at the some time or around the same time?
                  N. coloratovillosus and G. aureostriata


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Barbara Gittings View Post
                    Hi Elaine

                    Congrats!! I think my B.bohemi is about to shed again, it has only been a couple of weeks tho, is that normal? Probably a silly question but I don't know what normal yet

                    Thanks Barbara

                    I think that as your B. boehmei has only recently moulted, it wont be ready to moult again so soon. T's as tiny slings usually moult approx 4 - 6 weeks apart but I think yours is a lot bigger than that so would probably be every few months.

                    I'm sure someone with better knowledge than me will let us know the facts as I'm just a newbie to this too.


                    Give me all your Avics !!!!!


                    • #11
                      I have four diffrent type's of T's and three of the four moult at the same general time so mybe its has something to do with where you keep them. what I mean by that is if they all get feed, waterd, and have generally the same temperature around them they're most likely to molt generally in the same time period. just as see'n from my experience but may not be the actaul reason.


                      • #12
                        Hi Elaine

                        Will have to keep you posted on this one!! checked this morning, had definitely webbed up entrace to hide completely, and by the looks of it abdomen is getting darker. Also has stopped eating again. All very strange hope little one is ok. I'll just have to wait and see.

                        Thanks for replying




                        • #13
                          Yip definitely keep me posted please Barbara

                          I cant remember what size yours is. I think it was smaller than mine but my poor memory is the worst

                          Its unusual for them to go into premoult so soon after moulting isnt it?

                          Speaking of which, my little B. vagans still hasnt shown her presense lol. I saw her after her moult when I was removing her old exuvium but I really want to see that little red butt out in the open. She seems to have webbed up the front of her flowerpot but is definitely eating well


                          Give me all your Avics !!!!!

