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when will I be able to post in the for sale section

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  • when will I be able to post in the for sale section

    when will I be able to post in the for sale section and the breeding directory section? I have sent off my membership renewal.

    Ta, Neil

  • #2
    Hi Neil,

    we have been away for the weekend. Mark is also awy so be patient and he will sort ay problem out on his rreturn.

    British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

    The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
    [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


    • #3
      Neil, if you have anything to post on the bulletin board, just go to the bulletin board itself and click on "post an advertisement" at the top of the page, you don't need to be a member to use this facility.

      Hope this helps,

      Mike. a work in progress.

      Now offering the full range of MicroClimate products and also the full range of Java wood Decor.

      Have you joined the BTS yet? If not why not? See the E-store to join online now

      What is understood does not need to be discussed!


      • #4
        thanks for the replies, sorry to be impatient but I have two male C.fasciatus that I want to pass on as soon as possible. I thought Ray Gabriel might be able to use one for his I.D. studies and I could pass the other one on for breeding.

        Thanks again, Neil


        • #5
          Not a problem Neil, post away.

 a work in progress.

          Now offering the full range of MicroClimate products and also the full range of Java wood Decor.

          Have you joined the BTS yet? If not why not? See the E-store to join online now

          What is understood does not need to be discussed!


          • #6
            Sorry for alte reply i am so busy i dont know where to start to say how busy i am.

            Yes i am interested in a male, many thanks.

            Can you contact Richard Gallon with the male and with as much data as possible, where you got it from, who said it was fasciata etc.

            Email me and i will sort you out some pokes for him

            Must go



            • #7
              just to let anybody know who might be interested in the two male C.fasciatus I have. I will be away fom the 23rd of June to the 18th of July. If you want either of these two T's I will (obviously) not be able to send them during this period.

