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P. imperator question

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  • P. imperator question

    I have owned a P. imperator on its own for about a year now. Today I obtained another from someone who no longer wanted theirs (a kind of attitude that infuriates me; not for Christmas, for life!). Anyway I have had conflicting advice as to introducing the two conspecifics. One side said that it is not a good idea as they may fight and injure one another, another said that fighting is normal and they will, eventually, settle. So far there has been nothing more than one or two stand-offs. Claws have been open but noone has been bitten. And any scuffle has been short lived and without issue. I am 99% sure they are both female. Anybody got any advice.


  • #2
    I own 3 of these myself, 2 live together but they came together (male and female I believe). I am by no means an expert but from what I understand and have read about they are communal and they can live together if the enclosure is big enough and there are enough hides for them.
    B. boehmei - T. blondi - G. rosea x 5 -
    C. cyaneopubescens - N. chromatus -
    L. parahybana - H. maculata x 2 - G. aureostriata
    P. irminia - P. murinus


    • #3
      I have five adults living together in a 4ft x 1ft (floor space) enclosue, two males and three females.
      never had any problems, even through moulting when they're at their most vulnerable and have had successful breeding.
      I've heard from many that it's best to keep them in odd numbers but have, myself had both odd and even for long periods of time, again with no problems. from experience i've noted the more you have together the less interested they are in each other in general.

      main two guidelines are....
      Lots of hide areas (although all five of mine tend to stay under the same bit of bark)
      lots of available food (both live and dead (try pieces of raw liver) as they like to scavenge)

      I'm just about to put 5 2nd instar togther as a growing community now i've ascertained they are all feeding well after keeping them seperate for a few months.

      If they continue to "face off" and you're sure of the sex as female, i would introduce a male and let their attention from each other be distracted, they should settle nicely
      Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

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      • #4
        currently, i've got 5 adults. the first i had was from a friend's batch. he could no longer keep them cause of a change in living situation. he had loads of them all together and no problems.
        my 5 all live together, and the tank isn't huge. they have two bits of wood to hide under, and i'll often find them in separate groups, or maybe 4 under one hide and the other by him/herself. i assume they've had a tiff at times like that!
        when i introduce a new one, i tend to keep it in it's carrying container inside the tank near the original animal. a little while later, i'll tip him/her out (gently of course), and see how they get on.
        the only times i've seen claws raised were when i introduced males on their own to the female when she was alone. and she calmed down quickly after, and they became largely inseparable.
        this species tends to be excellent communally in my experience!
        the best thing i'd advise is watch them for a bit, and see how they get on. i'm sure if they're really not happy they'll let you know! if they seem fine, let them get used to each other and check periodically.
        giving them lots of space and multiple hides and abundant food can help as well if you're still worried.
        Last edited by James Box; 22-06-07, 01:46 PM. Reason: grammar and details!
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        -Martin Luther King Jr.

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