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Strange behaviour?

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  • Strange behaviour?

    Hi everyone,

    I'm new to the forum. I've a little experience, raising a pterinochilus sp. from a little spiderling through adulthood and death, and now a L. parah. from a rather larger spiderling.

    The latter has now moulted at least three times in my care, and is starting to push the 5-6" mark. However, "Pinky" has picked up a rather strange new behavior, as the time since her last moult ever increases.
    For some reason, Pinky webs a large strip of vermiculite, and then gathers it up and carries it about. This is fair enough, and she has cleared quite a large hole during her landscaping escapades.
    My question however is this;

    Why does my tarantula keep carefully spreading balls of webbed vermiculite in her water bowl?

    This is now the second time Pinky has filled it. For some reason, the tarantula seems to think this should be how her world should be. She has also turned into a bit of a sociopath. She used to turn and run. Since a moult she would attack and then eventually run away. Now she attacks and is very subborn about giving up and will attack repeatedly, becoming very difficult to 'herd' about the tank.

  • #2
    Big bad Pinky, well not that much effort compared to some species.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      You must be mad letting him run around on the floor :S



      • #4
        Hi Rob,
        My L.Parahybana changes personality moult to moult, from being brazen through to being very timid. Theres some commemts on other threads from other members if you browse through.

        As far as filling the water dish, i have only one T that does that, an adult female G. Formosa who endlessly moves her substrate around her tank in big clumps. My L.Parahybana has just dug a hole and lives in that 90% of the time.

        One thing I might suggest based on my own experiences, i read that you keep your T on vermiculite, i would personally combine this with either peat or coir fibre to give a more natural texture to the floor covering, vermiculite alone doesn't have the same attributes as natural substrate for burrowing etc etc. Saying that, if you're happy and your spider seems content and shows natural behaviour ignore this last paragraph.


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