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Random But - Spider Poo...

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  • Random But - Spider Poo...

    Allo everyone, im new here.

    Signed up in search of general information about spiders or mainly, my spider. I recently bought Mexican Red Rump, not sure how old he is (hes called charlie btw) and since i've owned him i noticed that either im blind, or spider excrements are very substrate looking or he hasnt done the deeds yet.
    My friend sed when he had spiders he used to collect up the doo doo's with a tea spoon to keep tank somewhat humain. But I'v no idea what these badboys look like!
    If randomly or prehaps conviently someone has any knowledge as to what im looking for and an indication as to how often spiders preform these actions cud u plz help me...

    Mucho thanks

  • #2
    terrestrial tarantulas are good at hiding it but if he's eating, he'll be going. It could be worse, arborials have this habit of going all down the front of their tanks and making a real mess (usually about 3 seconds after you've finished cleaning the thing)
    sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


    • #3
      ahh is it a yellowly colour like snake poo?? if so the tank came with one of those down the front of it already lol.

      I dnt know much about spiders really, I know how to look after him but when ur talking about terrestial and arborial spiders... im lost!

      He done this really weird thing las weekend, i was away for the weekend (mum was there whilst i was away) and when i came bak sunday n checked on him he had put web.... EVERYWHERE! his whole tank was covered in web, as if it was a nest, which i can imagine is spider like behaviour, but also he had moved all the substrate around! like loads, full on feng shui, weird thing was tho the places where he had moved the substrate, big lumps of it onto the log for example were places where the crickets will go down behind when i feed him, do you think he may be a clever enuff little critter to know the crickets go down there and by puttin substrate there it'll stop them???? really weird...

      Also hes not moved much since the day after i noticed this i think bcus i had to spoil some of the web in order to change his water, do u think he might be in a mood with me?


      • #4
        To quote Richard Gallon "Keeping Tarantulas - The Basics"

        "Tarantulas produce negligible amounts of faeces (tiny white packages) and as a result, don't need to be cleaned-out like other small animals. It is perfectly fine to keep a tarantula on the same substrate for well over a year (so long as you remove food leftovers). Tarantulas dislike disturbance, so frequent substrate changes would be stressful for them."

        This informative little article can be found here
        Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

        Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


        • #5
          Originally posted by nicoladolby View Post
          terrestrial tarantulas are good at hiding it but if he's eating, he'll be going. It could be worse, arborials have this habit of going all down the front of their tanks and making a real mess (usually about 3 seconds after you've finished cleaning the thing)
          You are right there Nicola , my new versicolor does that even if she is on the other side of the tank !!!

          When i first put her in she did it and nearly got me !!!!! lol


          • #6
            I know what you mean. Poecilotherias do it too but my Avics are the worst. Still they're such lovely spiders I keep buying more of them! Having said that my Stromatopelma and Heteroscodra have been remarkably clean. Wierd!
            sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


            • #7
              Yep both my A. versi and P. regalis come out of their log point their behinds at the front glass then let rip, so to speak!!!


              • #8
                my P. irminia is the first arboreal T i've obtained. so far i've not noticed her making any severe kind of mess, though she eats for England!
                Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                -Martin Luther King Jr.

                <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mike halewood View Post
                  Yep both my A. versi and P. regalis come out of their log point their behinds at the front glass then let rip, so to speak!!!

                  Nicely put mate !


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kraig Williams View Post
                    ahh is it a yellowly colour like snake poo?? if so the tank came with one of those down the front of it already lol.

                    I dnt know much about spiders really, I know how to look after him but when ur talking about terrestial and arborial spiders... im lost!

                    He done this really weird thing las weekend, i was away for the weekend (mum was there whilst i was away) and when i came bak sunday n checked on him he had put web.... EVERYWHERE! his whole tank was covered in web, as if it was a nest, which i can imagine is spider like behaviour, but also he had moved all the substrate around! like loads, full on feng shui, weird thing was tho the places where he had moved the substrate, big lumps of it onto the log for example were places where the crickets will go down behind when i feed him, do you think he may be a clever enuff little critter to know the crickets go down there and by puttin substrate there it'll stop them???? really weird...

                    Also hes not moved much since the day after i noticed this i think bcus i had to spoil some of the web in order to change his water, do u think he might be in a mood with me?
                    if hes webbin up like u say could be hes due a moult soon, most o my ts kinda barricade themse;ves up pre moult. is he accepting food?

                    and yeah, my 2 pokies make a hella mess of the walls...
                    All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


                    • #11
                      Yeee I can see the doo doo's now lol. He seems to have designated one corner of his tank for that kind of going's on's, hes even moved the substrate away so much that its safe out of the reach of an alien mess which may come out of mr spider, clever little bugger ent he?

                      Yeh hes got no problem eating, the only problem he has wen it comes it eating is when im late feeding him, hes gets grumpy lots, I was 2 days late this week anf when i opened the top of his tank las night he was ready with his legs up waiting for the cricket! Madness.

                      Newho, thanks for the replys guys,

