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Is he/she ready to molt?

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  • Is he/she ready to molt?

    Hi all!

    I've had my avic avic sling for about three weeks now. When i first put her into her new home she seemed very active, she would patrol the tank at least once a day, fed well and webbed small areas of the tank but never stayed in one place for to long. However these last few days i noticed that she hasn't move from a certain spot high in the tank and she as started what looks like her tunnel web, (which is a pain coz its on the ruddy lid!) does this mean she is due to molt or has she just set up home and won't be so active from now on? Its probably to hard to tell...
    but if anyone has some ideas i would be very greatful.

  • #2
    Originally posted by colin haris View Post
    Hi all!

    I've had my avic avic sling for about three weeks now. When i first put her into her new home she seemed very active, she would patrol the tank at least once a day, fed well and webbed small areas of the tank but never stayed in one place for to long. However these last few days i noticed that she hasn't move from a certain spot high in the tank and she as started what looks like her tunnel web, (which is a pain coz its on the ruddy lid!) does this mean she is due to molt or has she just set up home and won't be so active from now on? Its probably to hard to tell...
    but if anyone has some ideas i would be very greatful.
    Avic slings will molt almost monthly if well fed and catered for, I suggest a molt is on its way.

    Mind you they have a tendency to build tubes on or near the lid. Let is molt and recover then re-arrange the tank and encourage it to built somewhere other than the lid by adding a bamboo or cork tube.


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    • #3
      hi Mark

      Thank you for the quick responce, the ling is very well fed so i think, if molts are that regular then he/she must be due. I have some bamboo and cork items in the tank but i would be interested in finding the tubes you talked about... do you know anyone who supplys these as my supplier has limited spider equiptment? thank you


      • #4
        Hi Colin.
        cork tube can be got from :-




        • #5
          Thank you harry!


          • #6
            I haven't kept any Avicularia "avicularia" from slings, but do have experience with other Avic sp slings.
            Just prior to moult, usually 1-2 days before, there is a slight darkening of the slings legs and they turn a darker tan colour (certainly with metallica slings) If you see this colour change then start to look forward to a fresh looking baby any time soon.
            Leve fit quod bene fertur onus.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Michael Kingwell View Post
              I haven't kept any Avicularia "avicularia" from slings, but do have experience with other Avic sp slings.
              Just prior to moult, usually 1-2 days before, there is a slight darkening of the slings legs and they turn a darker tan colour (certainly with metallica slings) If you see this colour change then start to look forward to a fresh looking baby any time soon.
              Thanks for info Micheal, im very nervous with this guys first molt, (while in my care anyway) because i've heard lots of horror stories about avic's being hard slings to keep alive. I have everything crossed!


              • #8
                Don't worry too much. With the correct set up these babies are no problem at all.

                One point to hammer home is the substrate. Do NOT scrimp on it. Although arboreal species, due to the humidity needed, to prevent the enclosure drying out quickly use a good 2-3" in a tube thats 2" round 6" high. Adjust this for bigger enclosures so that you have a lot of substrate.
                I personally use a mix of coir with a few handfulls of vermiculite in. In my opinion, this is perfect for most arboreals as it retains moisture and regulates the humidity easier. Also drill plenty of air holes (remember to size them so food cant' escape.
                Also as stated, give him/her a nice chunk of cork to sit on.
                Also, dont feed exclusively on fruit fly cultures. This can cause moulting probs in slings, so pin heads/micros are perfect for really smill T's and build up from there.
                Sort out your temp and baby will grow lovely.

                I hope others agree with this advice, but if not please don't argue with me, just state your advice, and we may beg to differ.
                Leve fit quod bene fertur onus.


                • #9
                  Hey micheal

                  I think your spot on actually with what you say about the substrate, i'm having a nightmare balancing humidity,temp and ventilation, I find myself misting the tank every few hours. The sites i have read about on avics, say substrate isn't a big deal with arboreal T's and you only need a little.
                  I think i will add more like you say which hopefully will be better for my ling and easier on me too!
                  As for feeding, i have only used crickets so far so the fly issue isn't a problem....Thanks again for your great advice.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by colin haris View Post
                    Hey micheal

                    I think your spot on actually with what you say about the substrate, i'm having a nightmare balancing humidity,temp and ventilation, I find myself misting the tank every few hours. The sites i have read about on avics, say substrate isn't a big deal with arboreal T's and you only need a little.
                    I think i will add more like you say which hopefully will be better for my ling and easier on me too!
                    As for feeding, i have only used crickets so far so the fly issue isn't a problem....Thanks again for your great advice.

                    Colin, I think misting the tank once every couple of hours may be overdoing it!

                    How big is the enclosure? Misting perhaps twice a week should be more than enough to keep the humidity levels high enough!

                    I've got a A avicularia arriving today and 2 A versicolor on the way, looking forward to it, if they're anything at all like pokies I should be ok...
                    All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Robert Farmer View Post
                      Colin, I think misting the tank once every couple of hours may be overdoing it!
                      How big is the enclosure? Misting perhaps twice a week should be more than enough to keep the humidity levels high enough!
                      Hi Robert

                      Your right about the overdoing it, i am always keeping an eye on my humidity dial and i've found it very hard to keep the humidity level to 75+ ,(the levels required for avics according to my book) probably coz i have such a well ventilatied tank, anyway i think it could be a substrate problem like Micheal said, so i've added depth to the substrate and i hoe this will set things right.

                      Good luck with your avics...from what i hear, they are much more friendly than pokies!


                      • #12
                        Hi Colin,
                        I know what you mean about humidity, I used to have to mist my tanks twice a day and still once a day. The answer is moss! It holds massive amounts of water and once damp will keep the humidity up for weeks. Plus when they do venture to the substrate spiders love it (unless its soggy, then they're not amused). Put some on your substrate, it'll add to the decoration as well. Good luck
                        sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nicoladolby View Post
                          Hi Colin,
                          I know what you mean about humidity, I used to have to mist my tanks twice a day and still once a day. The answer is moss! It holds massive amounts of water and once damp will keep the humidity up for weeks. Plus when they do venture to the substrate spiders love it (unless its soggy, then they're not amused). Put some on your substrate, it'll add to the decoration as well. Good luck
                          hi nicola!

                          ooow what a good idea! practical and great decoration, i'll have a look for some, thank you!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by colin haris View Post
                            hi nicola!

                            ooow what a good idea! practical and great decoration, i'll have a look for some, thank you!
                            I've just decked out a new enclosure for the P regalis, moss galore!

                            Will get some pics up soon if you're looking for inspiration, the wee avic is sooooo cute (just got A avicularia today)
                            All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Robert Farmer View Post
                              I've just decked out a new enclosure for the P regalis, moss galore!

                              Will get some pics up soon if you're looking for inspiration, the wee avic is sooooo cute (just got A avicularia today)
                              Hi Robert
                              I would love to see those pics!
                              Grats on the new Avic! i think they are such cute lings, with there pink legs and little black socks on!

