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Lasiodora Parahybana housing tips needed?

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  • Lasiodora Parahybana housing tips needed?

    I'm intending on getting a juvenille L.parahybana in the next fortnightish, I was intending on aiming for making up an enclosure for it's adult size and just putting in a tempory division until it gets larger. I keep seeing lots of different views though on what size enclosure would be suitable, some give small (18inch long) sizes other say I should be using an enclosure at least four time the spiders legspan. I was intending on using something 32x16 for its final enclosure, have I got my sums wrong and gone for something far too small?

    My Collection: - Support CB

  • #2
    Not really "advice" I'm afraid, as I have only had mine a day but it is about a 4" spider and is in a 15" x 10" tank at the moment with no apparent problems. Depending how it pans out (male/female) and therefore I suppose it's ultimate size, I too was thinking a 30" x 15" tank may be necessary in the future as the current setup would seem too snug for a 9" spider?


    • #3
      I generally always keep animals in enclosure bigger than needed, my G.rosea being in 28x12. I just like to give them space to have abit of a roam when they chose to. So with this In mind im just curious about the parahybana. Anyone got an adult out there?

      My Collection: - Support CB


      • #4
        Hi, my big adult female does fine in a standard 2 foot tank.


        • #5
          Rich, I've had two L. parahybana since birth around a year ago, and they grow fairly quickly, and eat well. Mine have around 12cm of soil substrate that is kept moist, and they have both dug well.

          Interestingly, they have always buried their waterdish via their excavations..!

          Hope this helps a little...


          • #6
            Our adult is housed in a 3 ft tank with about 4" substrate and a big hide. She by no means looks lost in it and uses all available space.
            B. boehmei - T. blondi - G. rosea x 5 -
            C. cyaneopubescens - N. chromatus -
            L. parahybana - H. maculata x 2 - G. aureostriata
            P. irminia - P. murinus


            • #7
              Ok thanks so will my just under 3 foot by 1 1/2 foot enclosure be suitable or should i add more depth to it?

              My Collection: - Support CB


              • #8
                That's about the size of our tank Rich, so your 3 ft by 1 1/2 ft tank should be fine. Like you I usually house my Ts in slightly bigger tanks than normal and I find that they use the space given and are happy in them.
                B. boehmei - T. blondi - G. rosea x 5 -
                C. cyaneopubescens - N. chromatus -
                L. parahybana - H. maculata x 2 - G. aureostriata
                P. irminia - P. murinus

