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forget Mr Sheen...bring on the woodlice?

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  • forget Mr Sheen...bring on the woodlice?

    Hi all

    just a quick question...
    I was reading the comments in the "core blocks" tread, and noticed that lee smith (hello if you read this ) mentioned putting woodlice in the tank to keep keep it free of mould and mites...this sounds like a great idea! Does anyone else do this? And would the T's not eat them too or are they not on a T's menu?

    Thanks guys


  • #2
    i think the woodlice would be too small wouldnt they ?

    it all depends on the size of the T i guess !


    • #3
      Always used them.

      I prefer to use the british species (from non chemical areas) but i think Richard Gallon (and others) have breeding starter groups of "cleaner woodlice" for sale. (check the bulletin board)

      One tip is you need to have an area of the enclosure that is damp as woodlice are a crustacean (same as shrimps, lobsters and crabs) they breathe through air-holes on the hindmost pair of legs and this area needs moisture for them to survive.
      Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

      Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


      • #4
        Originally posted by Colin D Wilson View Post
        Always used them.

        I prefer to use the british species (from non chemical areas) but i think Richard Gallon (and others) have breeding starter groups of "cleaner woodlice" for sale. (check the bulletin board)

        One tip is you need to have an area of the enclosure that is damp as woodlice are a crustacean (same as shrimps, lobsters and crabs) they breathe through air-holes on the hindmost pair of legs and this area needs moisture for them to survive.
        Hi Colin

        I didn't know we had a woodlice expert in out forum!
        Just when i'm beginning to think i know all there is to know about this hobby....someone tells me there are "cleaner woodlice!" for sale....i love this hobby!


        • #5
          i use the british woodlice with most of my T's and the tropical ones that Richard has for sale in my H.lividum tank.

          i feed my colonies on powdered tropical fish flake (a little sprinkle and a spray makes it mould nicely).

          i have also used them to feed some of my small slings when i have run out of micro crickets.
          Reptile Rescue Hull Volunteer,
          Invert Rescue Hull manager,

          A.avicularia, G.rosea, B.smithi, B.albopilosa
          P.murinus, H.lividum, L.parahybana, C.cyaneopubescens


          • #6
            i read the meages here and when in to my garden and put 5 wood lice in each of my chile rose and my mantiss tanks
            plus a worm in each i will let u now if the woom dose any think intersting lol


            • #7

              Learn something new every day

              Will so be doing the woodlice thing from now on...I love it!!


              • #8
                I have a nice colony of the little white critters on the go, they do help clean up the leftovers in humid tanks.

                They are in with a bunch of Orange Head Roaches in some nice warm damp substrate. The Orange Heads are just being allowed to mature into adults to form a big breeder feeder colony, along with my deathsheads and lobsters.

                I think later in the year, the Orange heads will be moving into a larger tank - and the cleaners will continue on their own. Hopefully I should have some colonies to sell then.
                Everyones an Expert! "Ex" is a has been - "spurt" is a strong gush of water! You decide............................


                • #9
                  It seems like lots of people keep their woodlice colonies in with cockroaches, mine little lot are in with my sons group of Madagasca Giant Hissing roaches and are doing very well indeed.
                  Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                  Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


                  • #10
                    i couldn't seem to find the bulletin board entry regarding since i'm too lazy to look again, does anyone know ways to attract large numbers of wild ones?
                    Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                    -Martin Luther King Jr.

                    <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                    • #11
                      if your in UK just look under wood that has been laying down for a wile with mud under it and lift it you will all ways see them and kick old logs that are rotting to they are in it. go to any wood and just lift and kick its that easy, you can stack old would not treated 1s as i don't now if the arsenic will be in them on mud and leave for a mouth or two,
                      I'm a forester ( some 1 that runs a wood ) and i now how easy it is to fined them, and i just had a thort in pines that are on the floor over winter look for small drill holes in them and get a knife and cut around it you will fined a grub that will be come pine shoot weaves they live in stacked pines that are left on the floor and not taken a way hope that helps


                      • #12
                        particularly just after it's rained (everyday in England then eh?) look in chemical free areas under large stones, logs etc then gather as many as you can really.
                        In the summer months (with todays seasons being irratic there isn't a specific period anymore) look for the woodlice with orangey eggs stuck underneath around their legs, or pale yellow / orange babies crawling around their legs keep these seperate as these can be your breeding stock.
                        To keep them at home just duplicate the area you found them in, feed them fungus (mushrooms ok) fruit & Veg (past it's sell by date) and throw the odd dead cricket or hopper in. most important keep it damp !!

                        just noticed Dan's got some at the Tarantula shop if you prefer buying them.
                        Last edited by Colin D Wilson; 18-07-07, 12:59 PM. Reason: added link
                        Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                        Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


                        • #13
                          cheers guys...i have a back garden which should be chemical free, and as i live in the city, i don't get too many chances to get out to the countryside... so i guess i'll just keep checking the few bits of wood we have in the back.
                          Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                          -Martin Luther King Jr.

                          <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                          • #14
                            I have used woodlice as cleaners from the start. They dont do so well with my chile rose tho, its too dry for them in there.
                            I have a few in with my P.camb and theyve bred in there so theres lots of baby woodlice!
                            No spider I have had(House spisder included) will even look at them, they just dont seem to find them attractive!
                            My Collection: - Spiders are everywhere, so live with it
                            Ray Gabriel


                            • #15
                              Larry, do you have a water bowl in with your rosea, all mine have 3.5 inch plant pot saucers with pea gravel in them and the woodlice hang around and under this in the day and then do their thing throughout the night
                              Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                              Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future

