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Substrate Advice?

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  • Substrate Advice?

    I kept my Smithi for over a year on vermiculite and the L.Parahybana is now on the same and all seems well.

    However, I also have the A.Geniculata on vermiculite and as it is only 1 to 1.5" span, it all seems a bit out of proportion (small pieces seem like boulders!), although it hunts succesfully on it?

    I have bought some coconut fibre and soaked some up (to the instructions) for the small one, but to be honest, it seems too wet/damp and I am holding back putting the spider in on it, until it has dried out significantly.

    Am I right to do this (wait for it to dry out) or am I being over cautious?

  • #2
    I always use topsoil myself, don't know if that helps
    sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


    • #3
      I usually make up peat blocks and mix it with vermiculite and my Ts seem to be quite happy on it. We have also mixed the coconut fibre with vermiculite and this has worked just as well. I have found that the coconut fibre/peat has dried quite quickly when mixed. I usually put my Ts straight into its tank when I've added the substrate and if its too wet for them then they will keep off it until it has dried to their liking. I know that everyone does things differently, but this is how I do things.
      B. boehmei - T. blondi - G. rosea x 5 -
      C. cyaneopubescens - N. chromatus -
      L. parahybana - H. maculata x 2 - G. aureostriata
      P. irminia - P. murinus


      • #4
        I agree, top soil seems to go down well with T's as does vermiculite, and yes, they do stay off it if it's too damp, I wouldn't worry

        Good luck!



        • #5
          Thanks for the replies - I have kept it in the airing cupboard for a couple of days and it has dried significantly, so I will mix in some vermiculite tonight and pop him/her in.


          • #6
            I recently bought some topsoil to try but it seems a bit 'sandy' and heavy. Do the tarantulas find it easy to burrow in?
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            • #7
              there is always a big talk when it comes to subby, everyone has there own choice but you will go through them all till you find whats right for you.
              i use 100% peat from b&q for a 55 liter bag is £4.99, its damp and does not dry out to quick. i have slings juvis and adults on it and it works for me.
              i would never put a spid on just vemiculite anyway, i alwyas mix it with the peat. 3 quaters peat and 1 quarter vemiculite.


              • #8
                I have ALWAYS kept all of my spids on vermiculite and have never had any problems .

                I have recently bought some coir for my t blondi female because she has always been kept on it .

                I think that if you employ good regular husbandry to the tanks , whatever they are on they will be ok and adapt to it if necessary


                • #9
                  One thing

                  do you microwave coir before you soak it or after ?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Neil Ashby View Post
                    One thing

                    do you microwave coir before you soak it or after ?
                    Anybody ?


                    • #11
                      I havent microwaved any of mine, only because I would get killed if I did!!!

                      Not had any probs though.



                      • #12
                        Make up the coir (or whatever mixture) let it dry a little naturally then zap it for a while, not had any problems with this approach.
                        Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                        Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


                        • #13
                          if its from a pet shop for reps and inverts, i wouldent bother neil as its already been though an oven when they sterilize it.


                          • #14
                            i bought mine from a place called Wiggly Wigglers who sell it for keeping worms in ! . i guess then it is already sterile !!?


                            • #15
                              i personally follow the route of being proactive, rather than reactive, never expect things to do what they say on the tin etc.
                              if you can spare 30 seconds in a microwave then you know its done and dusted. i've bought some Zoo-Med product coir fibre specifically for reptiles etc thinking it was ok and i've had little mushrooms growing round the water bowl in some of the enclosures (even more than the woodlice can keep up with)
                              Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                              Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future

