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Late Journal

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  • Late Journal

    Hi everyone,

    well it seems the Gremlins have been at work and the Journal we were all expecting as disappeared into the ether. I have spoken to Richard who assures me it was sent to the printer in June but as yet I have had no word back from the printer. I know this is annoying and even more so for myself and Angela as we have to get the thing posted when it arrives.

    Please, please bear with us and normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. These things happen but rest assured you will get your journals as and when they arrive with us.

    To recap : Volume 22 no 3 is late. This should be the May issue
    Volune 22 no 4 is due at the end of August.

    I will keep you all posted.

    Last edited by Ray Hale; 25-07-07, 07:39 PM.
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  • #2
    No worries Angela, it'll be worth waiting for i'm sure

    thanks for keeping us informed

    When is the latest you would need copy for an article for the August edition. if i'm past the date i'll sort it out for the next.

    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

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    • #3
      I am sure it will be worth the wait. The last journal was excellent.

