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advice on getting crickets out of the tank with a T in there

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  • advice on getting crickets out of the tank with a T in there

    hi my chile rose has not eaten this criket bin in there nearly a week hes not botherd by it nor is the criket botherd by him lol, i try every now and agine to get it nice and slow with tweaser, i dont think hes molting i have had him for a wile but never molted with me, he has been by the heat mat wicth is on the side for days even when it gets nearly to 30 oC dont wont to strees him been thinking of working him in to a contaner and casing the criket is that what i should do

  • #2
    If you're really worried about being bitten or disturbing her.
    Get an old black 35mm film cannister and tie some cotton around the lip at the top (long enough to drape over the top of the tank).
    push a little bit of corned beef or mushy meat paste in the cannister at the bottom and lower it into the tank near the cricket.
    wait for the cricket to go inside and then pull the cannister out .
    An old trick for use with DWA species.
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

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    • #3
      I keep my crickets in a "cricket keeper" which has 2 tubes that they like to hide in.

      I have found that I can encourage a cricket to crawl back into the tube, even when there are still lots of crickets in the tube, if it has been in the spiders' tank for too long. The crickets in the tube never try to crawl out as they just hide in there.

      It pays to keep some long tweezers in the other hand as my L.Para has a habit of going for anything you put into its' tank - including my hand!


      • #4
        funny thing as i was reading the what you have sed the cricket was on the fake ivy sitting right by the door i opened it and come from behind slowly and Court it lol thanks for the help


        • #5
          I usually catch them with 12inch tweezers, I'm more scared of the cricket then I am of the spider, and I'm scared of spiders, yes, now laugh, go on............I'll let ya..
          spider woman at Wilkinsons


          • #6
            i am fascinated by hunters, i love how they move and there personalty's, pry are like ow now hater there and hunter are I'm hear and i dont Carie


            • #7
              I normally chase the cricket around with 12 inch forceps lol. If they go into the T's hide then I wait until they come back out. Sometimes the T will kill them and throw them out for me to collect.
              If the enclosure is big enough then just use a tub to catch the cricket.
              ps. I'm with Mary, crickets give me the heebie jeebies.

              Give me all your Avics !!!!!

