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B. smithi moult question

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  • B. smithi moult question

    My daughter's B. smithi moulted Wednesday evening. I didn't realise that the moult was imminent but when I looked in she was still on her back but all her legs on her right hand side didn't look right. I left her overnight hoping that she would flip back over which she had done by the morning. Her legs were still looking 'odd'. They were flat to her side just like they had been the night before. Her other side is fine. Anyway, when I checked her again last night she had flipped onto her back again wiggling her legs like crazy. Her right hand side looks a bit better now but she is still on her back as I write.

    Can anyone shed any light as to what could have happened and why she flipped again and should I leave her be to sort herself out?
    B. boehmei - T. blondi - G. rosea x 5 -
    C. cyaneopubescens - N. chromatus -
    L. parahybana - H. maculata x 2 - G. aureostriata
    P. irminia - P. murinus

  • #2
    I dont know why she has re flipped but if she was mine I would mist the tank well and put her with a heat mat (icu) That usually kicks them into gear. Hope she's ok.


    • #3
      mist the tank and cause more stress to the spider? please don't, Brachypelma molt perfectly well in a dry tank.

      are you sure the spider molted all legs succesfully?


      • #4
        Eddie is right, keep it dry.



        • #5
          i'm still learning so i am sorry if i said the wrong thing but i have done that before with brachys and it kicks them into gear, i usually keep my brachys and grammys dry though unless i have a problem.

