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Humidity. Can it be too high?

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  • Humidity. Can it be too high?

    I have a question about humidity levels for the T's. Now I know they all come from many different places, and all have different requirements when it comes to maintaining humidity.
    The majority of my T's live in sling pots, 1.3L stackable plastic containers and 3L containers. Odd ones are in some baby food jars. Anyway, I keep all of these in a 2ft Viv with a large heat mat as the heat source. There were 2 heat mats but I found it was getting a little too warm so have reduced to 1.
    I get a large build up of condensation in the smaller containers. I have added extra holes for air flow, and leave the sliding doors slightly open to allow air in and out of the viv. My question, or concern really, is this.

    Can high humidity levels harm the T's?

    I know it helps having higher humidity for moulting, and 2 have recently done so with no apparant problems. They all seem fine, are all active and all feeding ok. Except I haven't seen my E.Cyanognathus for a little while, though the crickets keep disappearing, so she must be ok.

    Anyway, your advice on this would be appreciated.

  • #2
    It is generally considered that higher humidity is beneficial for spiderlings but certainly too much can cause problems. For starters, it's not uncommon for the smaller slings to become trapped in the droplets of moisture and drown. Seconly, the chances of mould and mites are increased as they will thrive in these conditions.

    My advice would be to increase the ventilation (possibly changing your containers) and maybe add less moisture to each container. Even a tiny amount in a small container will increase the humidity enough to aid moulting and prevent dessication etc. Also make sure the containers are away from the heat source.

    Hope this helps.


    • #3
      Al my T`s are kept dry except for a water dish. I dont mist the enclosures at all. My T`s are doing fine, no problems molting. Its said that they get the necessary moisture needed for a molt from their food source so its important to keep your crickets etc well fed and hidrated. Only my slings are kept very humid.
      A.geniculata, B.smithi, B.auratum, B.albopiulosum, B.vagans, B.klaasi, B.emilia, B.boehmei, H.lividum, H.minax, S.calceatum, A.versicolor, C.crawshayi, L.parahybana, A.seemanii, P.striata, P.ornata, P.regalis, P.irminia, P.cambridgei, C.shioedtei, P.murinus, G.aureostratum, Harpactira sp.


      • #4
        The main collection of moisture was in the juvenile enclosures. I make sure the slings are kept humid, but not dripping. But the 1.3L containers were getting a big build up all over. But since adding the extra holes, and moving them away from the heat source (thanks Guy), they seem a lot better. The containers are drying out now.

        I only have water dishes for the 3" plus T's, so end up misting the containers with the smaller ones in. I feed the crickets carrots and potatoes to keep them hydrated. So as you say, hopefully this will keep the T's hydrated too.

        Thanks for the tips guys.

