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spider habits

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  • spider habits

    hi all ive noticed my b.klassi has now while under her log and pushed some earth out and span a few webs, i was happy to see her taking an interest in her surroundings. I came down this morning to find she pushed it all out so the glass bottom of the tank is visable, and she seems to have filled the exit/ entrance , is this normal?

  • #2
    Hi Mark. Dont worry, it is totally normal

    It could just be that she has made herself a safe retreat or it could mean she is in premoult.
    Mine tend to do that in premoult and also stop eating for a few weeks depending on the size of the tarantula. The small ones may not eat for a few days to a couple of weeks where the larger ones may not eat for a couple of months or so before a moult.
    To be on the safe side, remove any uneaten crickets after 24 hours and then try feeding again in a few days. Try not to leave any uneaten crickets in there with her or they may cause problems for her.

    She may only be making herself at home in which case none of the above applies

    Give me all your Avics !!!!!


    • #3
      thanks for that Elaine, im hoping she is due to moult as stopped eating 3 weeks ago. I feel like an expectant father just waiting for something to happen lol


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mark Jolly View Post
        thanks for that Elaine, im hoping she is due to moult as stopped eating 3 weeks ago. I feel like an expectant father just waiting for something to happen lol
        You're welcome

        Dont worry as the above is pretty normal too lol. I have had numerous moults over time here and it never fails to make me feel nervous and excited.
        Hopefully the next time you see your girl she will be a bigger girl wearing a magnificent new outfit
        Good luck

        Give me all your Avics !!!!!


        • #5
          Hi all well she still hasnt moved and a little concened as no food and even though ive kept her water dish topped up dont think shes drinking, im still spraying the peat and wondering if she will absorb water through there?. I had a look at her bald spot the other day and it hasnt turned dark as id assusmed it would when due to moult, now should i intervene and try and get her on the water dish? and how long can the premoult stage take?
          thanks for any advice given


          • #6
            I am sure its normal. Not all spiders have pre-moult signs. my bros L.para ate right up until the day it shed. But on the other had our G.rosea stopped eating about 3 months before. My guess is leave the spider to it. They can last months without food. probably just wants everything right for its moult. I think Brachypelmas like it dy so try not to spray too much. Hope this helps.


            • #7
              Hi Mark
              Your little lady may not moult for some time yet. They all seem to have their own schedule about these things. Dont worry about her not drinking. So long as she has a full water dish she will drink if she needs to. No need to spray the substrate either. Brachy's prefer dry conditions.

              My B. boehmei hasnt eaten in over a month now and I havent seen her drink either but she is fine and healthy just inactive.

              Just be patient and it will be worth it when she does finally moult

              Elaine x

              Give me all your Avics !!!!!


              • #8
                Thanks for that Abi and Elaine, gets a little frustrating when i cant see her, im trying not to worry but sometimes you just cant help it lol

