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New B.Smithi

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  • New B.Smithi

    Hi all, I'm new to keeping spiders and I got my first one recently which isa Mexican Red Knee.
    He's very docile as expected, but he hasnt eaten the crickets we put in there yet (only 2, as instructed). That isnt bothering me so much but he didnt seem so active tonight. Last night he was crawling all over he place, probably exploring his new setup etc. Tonight he came out for a bit, but then went and sat near the back of the tank all hunched up. Doesnt seem to want to move. So I'm wondering is this all normal, or have I got the setup wrong? I was a bit worried it might be crowded in there as there was all kinds of things that came with the tank and I think it was just a tad *too* cluttered from some of the pictures I've seen on these forums. So I've taken out one piece of wood that didnt need to be there and now he's left with log type thing, random litle wood cup things, the substrate, his 'home' which he hasnt really gone in to yet, and a little water dish. There is some open space for him too if he needs to catch things running by.
    So some thoughts would be helpful as that last thing I want to do is have him die so soon after getting him.

  • #2
    Are you sure he's a he and not a she ?

    Feeding wise, I wouldnt worry for a few months yet

    Tarantulas are not exactly known for their active lifestyle

    As you have said, he/she has explored the new enviroment and is now just chilling ... nothing to worry about.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Peter Roach View Post
      Are you sure he's a he and not a she ?

      Feeding wise, I wouldnt worry for a few months yet

      Tarantulas are not exactly known for their active lifestyle

      As you have said, he/she has explored the new enviroment and is now just chilling ... nothing to worry about.
      That's good to know Someone else also PM'd me a reply too and it all seems good. I was just worried cos I even though I've heard they're docile, I was still expecting cricket carnage when one ran righ into it. But instead it just lifted it's leg up and held it there for hte cricket to go past as if to say "I do apologise sir, I'm in your way".
      I think it's a he and not a she on the basis that that is what the owner told me and what my very limited knowledge also tells me. Can't be sure though. It *seems* like a he.


      • #4
        [quote] Can't be sure though. It *seems* like a he. [/QUOTE

        In what way ?

        Wears aftershave ?

        Snores in bed ?

        Hogs all the bed covers ?

        Needs a shave ?


        • #5
          Tara there's two kinds that keep theraphosids, firstly is the folk in not so white coats and clipboards, secondly are the folk too lazy to get a cat.

          In short don't expect a great deal of 'life' out of many species. If left alone and not proded all the time, they will be content to be a pretty coloured rock.

          My Collection: - Support CB


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rich.Harrington View Post

            In short don't expect a great deal of 'life' out of many species. If left alone and not proded all the time, they will be content to be a pretty coloured rock.
            No so .....

            I saw my chile rose move a few weeks ago...... well I though that I did . Maybe I imagined it and she might move next week instead

            Tara, I think that you get the idea
            Quite a lot of T's dont exactly do keep fit exercises and only move every few weeks while being fed, when they do move its generally at night while you're asleep.


            • #7
              Hello again!

              Just wondering about temperature again, sorry hehe.

              We know that it shouldn't go below 70degrees, but what shouldn't it go over? It is currently on 81-82. Is this okay?

              Sorry for the questions

              Tara x


              • #8
                Low 80's sound perfectly fine, you dont want to go above 90 as a rough guide.

                If it's of any use, here's a small care sheet for B.Smithi

                My Collection: - Support CB


                • #9
                  Thank you very much!



                  • #10
                    Hi Tara,

                    Like many of us, you may find you have to keep multiple Tarantula's just so something exciting happens once a week! Perhaps a moult (I had eight last week) or some substrate moving? Many of my spiders like to redecorate their vivariums for me.............

                    If you spend time just watching what is going on late a night, I am sure you will see some movement and some excitement. Albiet rarely!

                    As an example, last night (for the first time in 18 months) I finally saw my Haplopelma Minax completely outside her burrow. Last time she stepped slightly out of it she came to investigate a nice wandering male who was calling for some love. Sadly the last we saw of him he was being dragged into the burrow post coitially as lunch...........................

                    Welcome to Tarantulas!!!

                    Having posted that, I just noticed my Lasidora Parybana and a Gramastola Rosea both on their backs having a quick moult!!!!
                    Last edited by J M Clegg; 05-11-07, 04:29 PM. Reason: Discovered two spiders moulting!
                    Everyones an Expert! "Ex" is a has been - "spurt" is a strong gush of water! You decide............................

