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  • #16
    setup pic (slightly unclear)

    I'm keeping him on terrarium humus which is coco fibre or something, so assuming coconut related

    Yeah it was too humid for him I think. I moved him which he seemed vaguely happy to do (note that is as good as happy where he's concerned ). Spent about 3 hours baking various amounts of substrate. Killed off the mites that had came in with the crickets.
    Me and my girlfriend cleaned out the whole tank with warm water in the shower, cooked all the substrate regularly turning it so it didnt 'burn' (not being sure if it would or not). Let it all cool, put substrate into tank and made him a new burrow. This time it's an old small black round flowerpot. I've buried it into the substrate and covered over the exposed part with more substrate so it forms a sort of hill.
    I know they like their space and dont like things cluttered so I've removed everything now except the plastic plants that hang from the ceiling. These also form a sort of natural cover to his little burrow to make it feel more enlosed. The burrow is facing sideways to the front of the tank so he wont be disturbed by anyone walking by or by any errant light from the window during the day.

    He's in there now, the tank is very slightly humid as there is some condensation. I'm assuming this is mostly from the water bowl though as it's not properly formed drops like before, this is more of a light fogging on some areas of the glass, much like you get when you have a shower, except this isnt covering the whole of any of the glass walls.

    I've attached a picture, it was taken on my phone so apologies for lack of clarity (though it's not too bad). You might see some reflections in the picutre as I've taken it near the window. It's taken from the front. The substrate is 3-4 inches deep. You might just be able to see him on the right hand side of the tank. He's been sat there for about 15 hours now lol only having turned once 180 degrees during that time

    Last edited by Matt Brett; 10-11-07, 01:27 PM. Reason: typos etc


    • #17
      Hi Matt

      Something in your last post made me wonder...! When you mentioned 'wood' ! What are you using for substrate? Is it some sort of bark chips? If it is, maybe the smithi doesn't like it and that may be why he's climbing the walls of the tank. You could try using coir (finely shredded coconut fibre) mixed with some clean & microwaved topsoil. Also, where is your heatmat placed, if you are using one? If it's on the base of the tank, the floor might be too hot for the smithi! Hope this is of some help!


      • #18
        your smithi

        me again.ive got my glasses on now sorry for the appauling spelling in the last reply!!!,ive cleaned my own red knees tank out today as i felt it was too damp in there with odd shaped mushrooms appearing now and then,my spider is now on dry vermiculite with only the water dish for humidity,ive tested the humidity and its at 70%,with the heat matt coming on at 7am and then off at 5pm,and my little red knee seems very happy having spent the afternoon digging out under the new piece of bark,anyhow hope your spider is happier now i saw the picture and all looks fine,just dont get him too damp is all i can suggest
        all those moments will be lost in rain


        • #19
          Happy spider!

          Finally I think he's happy. Yesterday he actually tried to catch a cricket. Missed by a fraction of a second as it jumped, so after that he laid down web around the perimeter of the tank. He's found the burrow I made too and has made his new home there. He's managed to drag bits of substrate onto web and made a nice web carpet near the front of the entrance and has dangled some bits over the top. Note: He isnt webbing himself in for a molt (doesnt appear to be), it just *looks* like a spider home now lol.

          He certainly does some funny things. Yesterday he flexed his fangs a bit, tappedthem on the glass and also bit the glass at the top enough to produce a loud clink that made me and my girlfriend turn around to see what it was. Made us laugh though. He's also tried climbing the plants that are hanging from the roof of the tank. Not successful but it was extremely funny. He cant properly reach them from the ground, so he climbed up one wall a bit and then stretched one leg over at a time to the plant. It wasnt taking his weight though so he decided to get down, but that was a bit tougher as he had already committed most of his legs to the unstable plant

          I've also concluded that some of his *falling* might be *jumping*? At first I thought he was just plain clumsy, but then yesterday as he was making his way around exploring, we noticed that he could do all sorts of complicated manouevers on the tank wall when he wantedto, but then fell off at some of the easiest things. What swung it for us was when we got him on film *falling*, but he actually pushes off with his back legs first and then lands. By rights, the way he was on the wall he should have either fell off backwards or just straight down if it was a normal fall, but we can actually see him kicking out his back legs before he does it so that he lands on his feet.
          So, does anyone else's spider do this?

          Anyhow, he seems very happy now and that's made me happy as it's been a tough week!


          • #20
            You're using coco fiber? I can't get on with that substrate. It always moulds when I use it, either that or it dries out really quickly so I only use it for my Grammostolas. I'm not buying any more.


            • #21
              Garrett (my B.Smithi) quite likes it dry actually so he gets on well. Currently it is jsut very slightly damp. Enough to be so slightly cool to the touch but nothing more. Seems to like it and it hasnt gone mouldy yet. Though it is difficult stuff.


              • #22
                My Smithi likes her substrate on the damp side, if its too dry she will roam about alot. When its damp ( I overflow the water so its damp on one side of the tank rather than mist her ) she comes 'back down to earth' and settles down. Each one is an individual. She has got to make her debue at Brownies in 2 weeks, she is big enough now for them to peer at her and say 'oooooo' , I also have found a good colouring in sheet of a Smithi for them to copy her.


                • #23
                  Yeah mine roams when it's dry, but he seems to be more happily roaming than 'looking for a more suitable place' roaming. He climbs and explores a fair bit anyway, seems to like chewing things or trying to break things. He'll try to do this if it's damp or dry, just tends to slip a lot more if it's damp

