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Looking for a Seemanni

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  • Looking for a Seemanni

    Hi peeps

    I am wondering if any of you could help me.
    I looking for a Aphonopelma seemanni supplier, Ideally a very stripey sub adult female. I have tried all the top suppliers like Tarantula Barn, Tarantula Shop, Exotic Pets and also The Spider Shop. I have heard that it is hard to fine a zebra with good stripes these days so if anyone knows of a good supplier I would be very grateful.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Apart from the normal adverts in and around the hobby you always have the option of going to Newark on 2nd Dec where there MAY be one, or being really really really really patient and waiting for the BTS show in may where there's bound to be one!!
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

    Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


    • #3
      Originally posted by Colin D Wilson View Post
      Apart from the normal adverts in and around the hobby you always have the option of going to Newark on 2nd Dec where there MAY be one, or being really really really really patient and waiting for the BTS show in may where there's bound to be one!!
      Thanks Colin (great name btw )

      I managed to find a Seemanni supplier, a shop online site called Coast to Coast Exotics. I spoke to the chap there and he has promised to send me the most stripy female he has!



      • #4
        It depends on where your 'seemanni' originates from - they have a wide distribution and vary greatly in colouration.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Guy Tansley View Post
          It depends on where your 'seemanni' originates from - they have a wide distribution and vary greatly in colouration.
          Hi Guy

          I was looking for the jet black with white stripe colouring, but adult female seemanni's are hard to fine at the mo (at least where I was looking!) so I wasn't hopeful. Then i came across the supplier, (see above) and in their ad they had Seemanni's called "Honduran stripe knee" I rang them up and chatted to the guy there and he told me his T's were of the brown variety but still had the stripe markings i was looking for. Im sure the brown variety is just as beautiful so I have one on the way...cant wait to meet her!



          • #6
            If your lucky the "brown" could possibly be because the spiders due for a moult and will be "back in black" when moulted. most of my black spiders go a dull brown just before premoult.
            Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

            Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


            • #7
              Hi guys

              Just thought I would let you know she arrived in the post on wednesday, she is quite small, more like a large juv, very lighty brown in colour with no stripes. I called the guy at the store to let them know she arrived safe, and he said she should develope the stripes once she molts a few more times...she is a lovely little thing but i do hope the stripes do appear eventually.

