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Can or Can't CrossBreed (Brachypelma)

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  • Can or Can't CrossBreed (Brachypelma)

    I heard and saw My tarantula ( male Brachypelma auratum X female B. boehmei) communicate everday and everynight ,they send sex communicate between container

    B.auratum send male sign and B. boehmei has action too.

    I have a question.. That possible to be mating in wild ? because I see Distribution of the species is so close. and they can communicate to mating!

    I record video clip that they communicate.. that is my Home!
    ...Please make loud sound...

    [ame=""]YouTube - tarantula communicate[/ame] check it in second 49
    [ame=""]YouTube - Brachypelma auratum send male sex signal[/ame] check it in second 33

    he make some voice from inside

    Thank You everyone

  • #2
    Yes Brachypelma hybridise easily and often as not produce viable young which tend to be not a patch on their parents.

    Such actions are fround upon by both the BTS and all other recognised societies, and at large the whole tarantula keeping hobby. At best you end up with several hundred spiderlings no one wants. Those who have done this in the past and sold them as something else eventually get caught out and find it very hard to regain any respect of confidence in the hobby.

    I would suspect that it may occur in the wild but natural selection and predators pick out the weak, and it is not often that to closely related species are so close together for it to happen.

    The chances of the males wondering that far without getting eaten or kill are slim to none. Hence why we have beautiful and diverse 'distinct' species and its best kept that way and how mother nature intended.

    So please do not be tempted to cross bred...

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