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Too much Information?

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  • Too much Information?

    I have been reading as much information as i can (the Russ gurley book igot from the spider shop) as well as looking on other forums as ive always believed that its better to have some knowledge. E.g. how relieved people are when their tarantula safely moults,i had no idea that so many things can go wrong during moult if the humidity isnt right for example. I read somewhere that if a moult is/has gone really badly that you can put your spider in the freezer to put it out its misery,is it true? Jings! im feeling apprehensive about ordering(!) my spider incase i screw things up!. Do most people feel a bit worried about the care side of things with their first,or have i been reading too much!!!!

  • #2
    if you keep the spider at the correct temperature and humidity then all should go very well indeed.

    although i'm a great believer in learning as much as possible about any particular subject I think reading books that go into detail about illnesses and husbandry problems can lead a person to expect the worse, almost like reading a medical journal and thinking you have every illness under the sun as you "seem" to have all the symptoms.

    as far as the freezer scenario, there was a very in depth discussion and both sides of the argument were put forward. i'll try and find the link and post if up for you


    Found it

    Last edited by Colin D Wilson; 13-11-07, 12:50 AM. Reason: found link to thread
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

    Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


    • #3
      Hi Kirsty
      Reading too much isnt a bad thing but just relax, take care of your T and all will be fine. I worried a lot about my first one's and still do to an extent especially the harder to keep ones like the Avics but so far so good. I still have all the ones I have bought.

      I worry over each moult although I have had no reason to. Its kind of like your kids first day at school, you worry until its over then wonder what you worried about lol.
      If I remember correctly its a G. rosea you are getting and if so then all you will need to do is make sure she has a full water dish at all times. They are easy to care for and generally do fine with not very much attention needed.

      Good luck
      Elaine x

      Give me all your Avics !!!!!

