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HELP!!!! bad moult

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  • HELP!!!! bad moult

    yesterday morning we noticed our G. aureostriata sling (2cm) was on its back. All seemed well and we watched the first half of the moult and it was nearly out of its old skin. at about 11am we had to go out and got back at about 5pm and the spider was still on its back with only a couple of legs free. It has been like it untill this morning though it has moved. I think some of its legs arestuck. is there anything I can do?

  • #2
    Hi Abi,
    It doesn't sound good to be honest. A 2cm spider should moult in less than an hour once the skin splits so there's something wrong. The only thing you can do is try to gently remove the old skin but this will probably mean it losing the legs which are stuck. I'm doubtful that such a small spider could survive such a trauma but it's worth a try.
    Good luck.


    • #3
      Hi Abi

      A while ago in another "troubled moult" thread Mark offered the advice of using rose water (or similar) applied with a paintbrush to soften and help with the moult. since then i've heard of a few others using this too and with good results.

      I've always raised the humidity and, with the assistance of fine tweezers and a thin paintbrush, coped with awquard moults that way.

      As Guy says, it's a little small to have such trauma but there's still always the possibilty that it may pull through.

      Good luck

      Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

      Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


      • #4
        I just got home and the T is still alive It's struggled to get away when I went to take a look. I have been advised on other forums to amputate the 2 stuck legs? Any advice on doing thes? Also what is rose water or similar??? I already raised to humidity levels.


        • #5
          Well I just did it. removed 2 legs and 3 of the others are slighly deformed though I think it could still walk on them. it has some skill left on the bottom of its abdomen which i left there as its not covering its book lungs. Its very lively and is now in a warm dark quiet humid place. All I can do know is wait, but it doesn't look good to be honest.


          • #6
            Rose water is a distilate of rose petals and has a rehydrating factor, (why its used in so many perfumes)

            Good job with the surgery, if it hasn't exhausted it's fluids - when it hardens up it should be able to get through to it's next moult.
            Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

            Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


            • #7
              Well it got through the night and was up against the wall next to the heat mat last night and has since moved. I susspect its just a waiting game now.


              • #8
                Good luck Abi, hope the little guy pulls thru. keep us posted!


                • #9
                  well got home and its moved from one side of the tub to another to drink some water droplets off the side. So I guess thats good. hopefully it will last another night and pull through. I get really worried. If I can just get it to another moult then hopefully It will regenerate its legs and all the others will be fine. Will get some rosewater from somewhere though and I can then have a little first aid kit lol.

