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A possible moult on the way?

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  • A possible moult on the way?

    Noticed both last week and this that my G.Rosea has turned down food. Last week was some small interest then ignorance, this week 'she' decided to stike once at the roach before moving away and ignoring again.

    The abdomen does appear somewhat discoloured in a small patch, could these be signs of an approaching moult?

    Tried to get a couple of shots of the patch, however my david bailey skills are lacking, and she refused to pose.
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    My Collection: - Support CB

  • #2

    Hey Rich,

    Does your rosea seem discolored. That should be a good sign. The patchy opisthosoma (abdomen) could be simply urticating bristles (flicking hair). If she seems noticeably discolored, along with the fact that she hasn't been eating, you may have a potential molt on the way. Just make sure not to put any food in with her. There have been reported instances of full grown specimens coming upon molt, with food in tank and because of the massive loss of energy during the molt, the spider can't even fend for itself, Thus the eater becoming the eaten! crazy i know. But don't fear no food. These creatures can go for months on end without food, especially during a molt period.

    hope that helps!



    • #3
      I've no worries about hunter and hunted, since I only use lobster roaches for food items rules out that part. As for discolouration, well it appears that way from the poor pictures I took.

      My Collection: - Support CB


      • #4
        All adult chile rose's have that discoloured patch on their abdomen, and to refuse a feed isnt that unusual for chiles. Yours looks like it has a very full and plump abdomen so I wouldnt even think about worrying about it not feeding for 4 or 5 months yet !!!!!!
        If it was mine I wouldnt feed it for 3 or 4 weeks and then try again but if it didnt take the prey item within 10 mins I would remove it and try again in another few weeks. I have read in books and online of chiles not eating for 12 months and over with no ill effects

