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breeding subfuscas

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  • breeding subfuscas

    Hi, can anyone give me some advice on breeding P. subfuscas? I've had a pair living together now for a week or so and not only is she dissinterested but seems to have adopted him! Also neither of them are eating. Temperature is at 25 degrees as she likes and humidity ok for them both. I've tried to contact a couple of people but my e-mail thing went funny so I don't know if I missed any messages (Its working now thank goodness). Many thanks
    Last edited by Nicola Dolby; 20-11-07, 09:17 AM.
    sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!

  • #2
    breeding subfusca

    hi nicola, as i told you when i sent you the male if your female is one of my first breeding they are still a bit young yet ,thats not saying you wont get her to breed ? when i first raised my 6 subfusca slings and 2 males matured i started puting them together after the males had hardened off 1 out of the 4 females did produce a small sack but being an imature female she left the sack lying on the floor of the tank and it was to late when i did remove the sack after 3 day the eggs were in a pool of fluid and had spoilt , i was moving the 2 males from female to female for the next 5 or 6 months and 2 did produce sacks one fertile and raised to slings i think it was 88 slings ,but the other spoilt she produced the sack in a heatwave we were having at the time in 100 deg f and i think that ,s what spoilt the sack to much heat, or maybee itwas infertilefrom the start?? ,BUT ATER TELLING YOU THAT I HAVE BEEN PUTTING MALES TO MY YOUNG FEMALES SISTER TO YOURS ,,,LOL,,, best of luck hope you are successfull i do have one other female very gravid at the moment i keep my subfusca along side my other pokes no special temp just slightly more humid and have raised 3 successfull sacks so far out of the five

