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BTS AGM: 1st December 2007

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  • BTS AGM: 1st December 2007

    Hi everyone,just a reminder to all members that the BTS AGM is on Saturday 1st December and starts at approx 3.30 pm.

    Its at St Paul's Church, Harmans Water, Bracknell.

    Please note there is BTS Committee meeting before the AGM so bear with us if we run over a little.

    We cant promise you spiders and excitement but we can promise you a warm welcome from the BTS Committee.

    The running order is along the lines of:

    BTS Committee Reports 2007
    Coffee and biscuits break ( you might even get mince pie!)
    Open Forum ( where you get to tell us what you think)

    We aim to be done by 5.30 and then go down the local pub for something to eat.

    I know some of you are coming. So if you fancy meeting us all and have a spare Saturday afternoon then why not pop along and say hello.
    Last edited by Mark Pennell; 24-11-07, 02:26 PM.
    British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

    The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
    [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]

  • #2
    Ill be there,

    If anyone is comming who has any deads they dont want then please bring them.

    Ray G


    • #3
      I think Ive got a great Aunt thats on her last legs. Ill bring her mate but not sure if she will be dead or not.????????????. I suppose you could keep her for a while.
      British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

      The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
      [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


      • #4
        Ray I have deads for you and a box of assorted moults, if you are going to Newark I will take them there for ya. Mary xx
        spider woman at Wilkinsons


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ray Gabriel View Post
          Ill be there,

          If anyone is comming who has any deads they dont want then please bring them.

          Ray G
          Ah, I wondered how Ray funded all those trips abroad...



          • #6
            Originally posted by Guy Tansley View Post
            Ah, I wondered how Ray funded all those trips abroad...

            LOL @ Guy


            • #7
              Torturing chairs and making glass miserable too by the looks of things

              Looking forward to meet those members who make the effort to attend tomorrow


              • #8
                I'll leave the expert to *cane the chair*...I'll stick with brutally beating a defenceless footstool!

                As for the AGM, I regret that I won't be there...fate or whatever deemed that I could spare only one *day off* this week...and I had already planned on heading for Newark.

                So...if someone could volunteer to be my body double, and eat mince pies on my behalf, go to the pub etc I'd appreciate it!

