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Newark and a frog and a cockroach :D

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  • Newark and a frog and a cockroach :D

    Hey guys, who exactly is going to Newark on Sunday? Also, if there will be hundreds of people there how am i meant to find you all and have a chat since i havnt been to a show before?
    Another thing, i have an adult female vanderbecki spp hissing cockroach which has had the ends of its legs eaten off by the others and as such it cant climb glass and has trouble walking on certain surfaces. This little beauty is going free to any good home if you have the time for her. PS- she has mated and so will probably give birth in the next few months.
    Ive also got a firebelly toad going to anybody that maybe wants to trade a sling or something for it (gender unknown) because i had a colony and this one is the only one left im sad to say.
    Sorry for the long post everyone, as always your tolerance and help is always greatly appreciated, thanks again,

  • #2
    Oops, i forgot to say, I will ONLY be giving these little critters to BTS members, so if your a random that only joins the forums to get a free pet i'm sorry, but i want them to have good homes.
    Sorry for the second post


    • #3
      Oli, I'll take the roach mate please, dunno about the frog though, would love it but dunno how to take care of it.
      spider woman at Wilkinsons


      • #4
        I'm going to Newark, well that's the plan anyway. I was wondering the same, but then I suppose it all depends on who actually wants to make the acquaintance of other members. I'm not the most forward of people, so don't intend walking round asking every female if they are Mary, I'd get kicked out Still you can't miss me, or maybe you can, I'm not that tall, but I've a brummy accent, head shaped like an egg, and I'll have a 10 month old strapped to my side Oh and my missus in toe, hehe. I'll see you all there, but I won't know who you are. Have a good trip Oli, and lets hope there are some good buys to be had. I need to replace a few slings that have passed away and have a wish list I'm hoping to make a little shorter.


        • #5
          well i'm going to Newark and i'm fairly noticeable. also, i know a few others from off here. look for the average height guy with a shaved head, glasses, and beard. i will be wearing my leather long coat and some black metal shirt to increase noticeability as well. so if you see me, come up and say hi, and i'll introduce you to the people i know as well, including Mary

          i'd love to take the toad, but also don't know how to look after tempted though!!! i'll do some looking online for instructions and if it seems like i can meet the need, well...i'll think about it and let you know in the next couple days
          if someone else claims it beforehand, no worries!
          Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
          -Martin Luther King Jr.

          <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
          My Collection: - Support captive breeding


          • #6
            See you at Newark

            I am a new member too and looking forwards to meeting other members I only know one member by sight and that is our new moderator Colin Wilson, if anyone knows him just ask him to point me out the little old lady with spider earings and with my hubby Mick tallish witha close hair cut. Most probably uttering something like wow- i want that one and that and that and WHERES COLIN? WHAT ABOUT THIS !!! LOL Please any of you say hello Iam an x zoo keeper and have some knowledge of all sorts of animals but apart from two red knees many years ago Tarantulas are new to me. Thank goodness for my mentor the big CW a fountain knowledge and the patience of a saint and also this site. Better get some chores done now .Bye to all and see you at Newark. Yvonne
            My Collection: - Support captive breeding

            "If it doesnt kill you, it only makes you stronger"


            • #7
              Sorry to sound thick, but where and when is the Newark show?
              New iPhone and Android App called iTarantula on the App store now, download below.

              Facebook: - PLEASE LIKE US
              Twitter: - PLEASE FOLLOW US



              • #8
                Originally posted by Craig Bellamy View Post
                Sorry to sound thick, but where and when is the Newark show?
                The Newark show is this Sunday Craig, its in Newark south of Nottingham, if you check the show dates on this site it has all the details you will need

                Mary and James, the toads are very easy to care for, you can keep them at any temperature between 5C (they hibernate at this temp) and 30C (dont keep them this hot for long). Also their setup can be 100% water or 100% land even somewhere inbetween, so they arnt fussy lol.
                They eat those small black crickets too, but make sure you you dechlorinated water or water that has been standing for a day or so.
                If either of you are still interested in my little amigo let me know and I'll bring him down for you

                Look forward to meeting you all, Oli


                • #9
                  Thanks Oli,

                  Will it be roughly the same as the BTS show in terms of size/attendance?
                  New iPhone and Android App called iTarantula on the App store now, download below.

                  Facebook: - PLEASE LIKE US
                  Twitter: - PLEASE FOLLOW US



                  • #10
                    i can't imagine it being quite that big, but apparently there are a good number of spider and bug sellers.

                    Olli, let me think on that toad sounds immensely tempting! how long do you think it'll live?
                    Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                    -Martin Luther King Jr.

                    <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
                    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                    • #11
                      Hi All, quick question, does anyone have paul Holt's telephone no. (the show organiser,) please? Just wondered if he's sent the show passes out yet? More importantly, has he received my form & cheque!! Thanks,


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by James Box View Post
                        i can't imagine it being quite that big, but apparently there are a good number of spider and bug sellers.

                        Olli, let me think on that toad sounds immensely tempting! how long do you think it'll live?
                        I think they live for a few years, not as long as an invert, but 4 or 5 years?
                        This is only my estimation though, do not take it as fact because i just dont know


                        • #13
                          Hi all, I carry a smallish black shoulder bag with a slivercoloured spider and a gold coloured M brooches on it, I will more than likely have lil Sonny and Sam in tow too, or I will be at Jays table.
                          Oli, if James don't take the frog I may have it.
                          spider woman at Wilkinsons


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mary walters View Post
                            Hi all, I carry a smallish black shoulder bag with a slivercoloured spider and a gold coloured M brooches on it, I will more than likely have lil Sonny and Sam in tow too, or I will be at Jays table.
                            Oli, if James don't take the frog I may have it.
                            Oh yes, and I will more than likely have my AP 'auntie Mary' round my neck lol
                            spider woman at Wilkinsons


                            • #15

                              Will be looking for dead spids, so if anyone has any they dont want...............

                              Ill be there on Lee's table, im the better lookin one with long hair.

                              Anyone got an Avic sp Peru Purple male for loan or excahnge for pokie slings for a freshley moulted female?

                              Should have some Xenesthis for sale at the Newark show not many but grown on, email for prices.


