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Joining BTS

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  • Joining BTS

    Hi all, sorry if this is posted in the wrong place (I'm new) but I would like to become a member of the BTS and have a question it may be stupid but I'd like to make sure. If I join now does my membership end at the end of this year and I get 4 back issues of the journals or does it start now and run for a year and I get the 4 journals over that time ?

  • #2
    it will run for a year and you'll get 4 journals
    "The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?"
    Jeremy Bentham


    • #3
      Thanks very much Toran


      • #4
        When you join you receive the latest journal, sometimes if you join just before a new one is due - like now! Angela will wait to send you the newest journal.

        Then your membership runs for 3 more journals after this, 4 in total. These are space out as best as possible every 3 months.

        Membership is for four journals sometimes this might be bang on a year other times slightly over or under depending on when you join, in your last journal or shortly before by post you will receive a renewal letter.

        So to sum up, your membership is for four BTS journals it technically is not annual but we try to make it so....


        Please if you join you can download over 20 plus back issues in the members area... making the BTS membership the best value society bar none. (shameless blowing of ones own trumpet)

        Serious Ink tattoo studio -
        Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
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