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i think this is a egg sack but my chile is cative bread and now were near a male

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  • i think this is a egg sack but my chile is cative bread and now were near a male

    i think this is a egg sack but my chile is cative bread and now were near a male
    i chile rose molted and it must still be in the hyed as she is so lovey cloured now
    this was out side the hyed after she moldted and when i be came well i just took it out,
    they are lot of little balls is best way to say it but rock hard,
    am i right
    i had gloves on as i now some ts have hairs to hurt u is it ok to handle the eggs
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  • #2
    Yes that is an eggsac,

    Can you open it and see if there is anything which resembles a spider in it? and post a pic?

    There is more chance of you having been sold a wild caught G. rosea than it being a captive bred one, many palces still sell wild caught as captive bred as there still seems to be some weird stigma regarding wild caught in some places............stuped really, nothing wrong with wild caught.



    • #3
      dose a molting when they dry go in to little balls because ive had her for about 8 mouths, looking at has brown all over it i think its the molt


      • #4
        No, the spider's moult won't be in little balls Scott. Here's a picture of a healthy eggsac from another species.

        As you can see, it's full of eggs (actually the eggs have hatched into Nymph 1 in this particular sac, you can see the legs). The hard brown ball shaped things will be dried up infertile eggs.

        My Collection:


        • #5
          sorry not good pic my cam is playing up but looks like it but the brown, i got her from the spider shop so i think is catice bred
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          • #6
            That looks like a mass of stuck together eggs to me Scott.

            My Collection:


            • #7
              And to me Phil.

