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Glasgow Andy Has Some Questions

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  • Glasgow Andy Has Some Questions

    Hi there everyone. Thanks again for the replies. And I do feed the crickets wee bits of apple, but I guess i need to get some water to them.
    Here is a question.
    My Mex Red Knee dug a wee burrow and I can see him in it through the glass. He is down a few inches in his retreat. The front of the wee hole has been covered up by my Mex Red. He has been there for 3 days now, I can see him move about now and again so he lives! Is he ok do you think. Should I put crickets into the viv or should I wait for him to come out before I put crickts in? He aint been out to get water. Should I just be patient?

  • #2
    Three days for him is like 3 hours for you
    Feed him as usual but if the cricket/locust is still in the tank after 24 hours then remove it and try again in a week or two. He may be in pre-molt

    Silly question but how do you know he hasnt been out or drank in 3 days ?
    Have you sat by the tank and not moved or blinked in all this time ?
    Tarantulas are nocturnal and generally only move about in the evening and when the lights go out.
    I have a female Lampropelma sp that i have only seen once since mid summer and that was only when I crept into the room with a torch after lights out.


    • #3
      Cheers Peter

      Wow, getting a Tarantula is a great excercise in patience. Your right Peter it could have sneeked out for water while i blinked.


      • #4
        Hi Andrew
        I wouldnt worry about your B. smithi, its pretty normal for them to barracade themselves in. I have a Brachy here that I havent seen now for months. The only reason I know he is still alive is because the crickets dissappear, the water level in the dish lowers and I find food boluscs is the corner of his tub

        I did catch a glimps of a leg today during feeding

        Elaine x

        Give me all your Avics !!!!!

