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Cricket white gunk?

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  • Cricket white gunk?

    I put two crickets in my tank the other day. My B.Smithi wasn't bothering to catch them except for the occasional pounce from the tank wall (I have no idea why he doesnt just grab them as they walk past his burrow lol, seems to prefer stalking from the walls ). Anyhow, the crickets felt comfortable enough to start mating in the tank!
    Today, I looked at the tank to find the female cricket sitting beside the male. The male cricket was dead and had all this white goo oozing from it from a couple of places.
    I wasnt really sure what was going on with that so I left it for a while. But later if my eyes didnt deceive me the goo had taken a pinkish tint, so I reached in with the tongs to take it out. It had this goo coming from a few places in it and it was a bit squishy (rather than the usual hard shell) and stank a bit.
    So, what was this? Was this:

    a) The digested remains of a cricket after my B.Smithi had fed (I have never seen him eat anything yet).
    b) The weird result of some cricket mating process.
    c) hmm, I have no other ideas actually.

  • #2
    Cricket inners is my guess (digestive tract etc ), it starts to go pinky brown when it dries out, and then boy does it smell.
    The other cricket may have started to eat it or your spider may have just bitten it and left it. your guess is as good as mine there
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    • #3
      Knowing Garrett (my B.Smithi) he probably bit it and left it. He's got quite a stubborn personality.
      Besides trying to pull the plants that hang from the ceiling, he's also chewed the metal gauze ventilation at the top and webbed the entire floor of the substrate and pulled more substrate over it to disguise it.
      I hope he eats something soon. I got him a month ago and as far as I can tell, he has only *possibly* eaten one cricket. Or it may have just died and decomposed quickly.

      Wouldnt mind knowing if there are others out there that have fasting spiders
      There doesnt appear to be anything wrong with him at all. He doesnt have any signs of illness or sluggishness. He's still as strong as an ox (still managing to climb the tank and chew through metal) and he doesnt spend all his time on the tank walls or anything. Aside from the not eating, he's acting totally normal and obnoxious
      The little bald patch he has from flicking hairs ages ago hasnt darkened so I assume he isnt ready to molt, and he hasnt webbed up his burrow either.
      Any ideas why he isnt eating yet?


      • #4
        He's just fasting, dont worry too much about it lol.
        My rosea fasted for 4 months when I first got her!
        Unless the abdomon is smaller then the carapace I really wouldnt worry too much at all.
        Good luck with your crazy spider!


        • #5
          Hi Matt...definitely sounds like *cricket juice* to me! I have a couple of *nervous feeders* amongst my juves...they prefer taking dead from the tongs rather than catching live food. So I frequently chop the crickets in half! And yup...that white stuff oozes out then...and it stinks! lol

