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Breeding advice!

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  • #16

    I would try to get her more settled in first, what you could do is put some of the web or dirt from the males enclosure in so she gets the idea there is a male around.
    Also contact the person you got her from and ask how they were keeping her.

    I had all my females established and got mostly s/a males for breeding when i done my Lasiodoras, watch the temperature is not to hot, mine were in jumbo pet palls with 1/2 plastic flower pots as hides,


    Originally posted by Johanna McMullen View Post
    Ray, thanks for that.

    Some more info for consideration.

    Female arrived 2 weeks ago, obviously quite a stressful journey as had removed most of urticating hairs into container when she had arrived.

    Since giving her her new home she hasn't taken any food, and has been very subdued.
    Had to change her substrate once as it was onviously too damp for her (she refused to come down and stand on it and spend most of her first few days clinging to the sides of the tank)
    She now just sits, occasionally I notice she has moved, but is very very quiet and keeps herself to herself.

    Is this ok, is she still stressed, or do you think she is ok now? The room is warm quiet and quite dark most of the time which they all seem to prefer (I have started regaining my collection, but not at the volumes I used to have!!)

    Should I give her more time to settle before attempting this?

    Jo x

    PS I forgot just how great people on here were for advice and stuff, it rocks!


    • #17
      Thanks Ray

      Will leave her be for a bit.

      I will have a go with the male's web trick though.

      I'm going to be having a hectic few weeks myself with Christmas, selling house, new job and relocating to Surrey, so I think she will be left to her own devices for a while (They're staying in Cardiff with my brother until we find our own flat).

      I will let you all know how I get on when I do get around to it though.

      Thanks very much



      • #18
        Good luck Jo. Now if you could persuade some of my mated lot to part with eggsacs for me, it would be much appreciated

        My Collection:


        • #19
          Well maybe you should bring them to my office, seems most of the females here seem to be popping out sprogs left right and centre!

          Hope it's not catching, I enjoy just practising myself

          Will hope for the best though, who know, may not come to anything, but I have to give it a try!!


