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communal separation

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  • communal separation


    I have a communal setup of 4 p.regalis there still pretty small 3 of them are around 2.5 inches the 4th one being noticeably larger at around the 3.5. As this is my first communal setup i was just wondering if anyone had any tips on separation. When is the right time,age,sex i have read that females can live together even as adults bt males will just be eaten so should i just separate the males? i have not noticed any aggressive behavior as such bt the largest one did chase and steal food from one of the smaller ones the other day!

    Thanks if anyone got anything

  • #2
    From my own observations from past sub adult / adult communities i have only noticed true aggression when males mature, all the rest has just been "pecking order" squabbles.

    separation is entirely up to you through your own observations. if the larger spider is "bullying" the smaller ones then you could try adding an extra amount of food and keep the food topped up at all times, this could illiminate the larger one stealing food. If this doesn't stop the larger one intimidating the smaller few then it may be best to singularly house her.

    Use several sizes and types of food too,I have a community of 13 juvenile regalis here that like to have the odd handfull of mealworms chucked in, they all descend to the ground grab a mealie and run back into the foliage to eat.
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

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