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Breeding G pulchra

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Colin D Wilson View Post
    Staying within the Grammostola genus, i have a rosea that has just made his 6th sperm web since maturing early Feb 2007. he has been mated after each.
    Is there a time limit where after the sperm web has been created that the spider won't be of any use to a female?

    IE Shelf life after re-fill???

    And to Sylvi I may just take that off you, be nice to get something going sooner rather than later!

    Thanks for the advice Louise!
    All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


    • #17
      Ok Robert, if you haven't moved we have your address still. I'll get him a 'hot water bottle' and send him up to you, give me a couple of days to get that sorted. I'll let you know when he is on his way. Just post him back when you've finished with him ( if he doesn't become dinner that is ).


      • #18
        You're welcome Robert...I hope things go as smoothly for you!

        Sylvi...LOL...I shouldn't think that your male will become dinner, the female Pulchra aren't as determined to eat the boys as some species...although that doesn't mean you can afford to be off guard!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by SylviRigden View Post
          Ok Robert, if you haven't moved we have your address still. I'll get him a 'hot water bottle' and send him up to you, give me a couple of days to get that sorted. I'll let you know when he is on his way. Just post him back when you've finished with him ( if he doesn't become dinner that is ).

          Let me know, I'll PM you my email addy so I can ensure someone is in, I'll take good care of the wee fella!

          Thank you for your charity, here's hoping to lots of wee slings...
          All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


          • #20
            Lol, he isn't very 'wee'. He is a pretty big chap! But very good natured. He makes quite an assesory to a halloween costume.

            Louise if you dabble on AB, there was a thread of someone who was taking pictures of his Pulchra mating and the female chomped up the male. There was not alot left. It was painful as 'Haggle' my boy was on loan at the time But you are right, it is pretty rare.

            Took abit of finding -
            Last edited by SylviRigden; 08-01-08, 03:25 PM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by SylviRigden View Post
              Louise if you dabble on AB, there was a thread of someone who was taking pictures of his Pulchra mating and the female chomped up the male. There was not alot left. It was painful as 'Haggle' my boy was on loan at the time But you are right, it is pretty rare.

              Took abit of finding -
              Sylvi....awww, I love the name of your male, that's so sweet!
              As for the dearly departed...I have a superstition with feeding and breeding on the same day!
              I feed mine well, but I keep it at regular intervals...just in case the act of feeding on the day of mating attempts keeps the female in a *feed me* frame of mind!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Louise~Nichols View Post
                Sylvi....awww, I love the name of your male, that's so sweet!
                As for the dearly departed...I have a superstition with feeding and breeding on the same day!
                I feed mine well, but I keep it at regular intervals...just in case the act of feeding on the day of mating attempts keeps the female in a *feed me* frame of mind!

                Ah there's a story to that name. I really wanted a Pulchra and when I went to the BTS 2006 all I could see was a gentleman with about 5 juv males for sale. I only had a tenner cash left in my pocket and I said to Julie " if they are there at the end of the day and I can haggle him down, I will have one" So 'Haggle' came home and Julie got the Pederseni female which Robert was talking about further up the thread.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SylviRigden View Post
                  Ah there's a story to that name. I really wanted a Pulchra and when I went to the BTS 2006 all I could see was a gentleman with about 5 juv males for sale. I only had a tenner cash left in my pocket and I said to Julie " if they are there at the end of the day and I can haggle him down, I will have one" So 'Haggle' came home and Julie got the Pederseni female which Robert was talking about further up the thread.
                  That makes the name even more cute! Most of the time when I name mine, I just find something bizarre springs to mind when I'm looking at them...hence I have a B.Auratum called Yoda...ummm...what more can I say?! lol


                  • #24
                    Well my G.Pulchra female is called Gretel, guess where she was shipped in from.......

                    H.Schmidti - 'Spice' as Vietnam must be full of spices etc and thats her colour. H.Longpipes - 'Sibylla' Queen of Jerusalem because she is beautiful and to quote a film .... they think me unpredicitable ( but she isn't ,just like in the film ). 'Jelly' the Blondie because she is just like a dollop of orange jelly. And some are named after their living accomodation - Sorbet, Pavlova ( Ice cream ); Yellow Toffee Penny, Green Praline Triangle and Brownie ( didn't like Orange Cream ) are all Quality Street. And so it goes on ....... so you are not as silly as me ! lol


                    • #25
                      My G.Pulchra girls are Genevieve, Miranda and Calypso...there's to be another arrival at some point, and she's getting named *Juno*; the male is Macros. Ah least I'm in good company!

