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Lasidora Paryhabana

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  • Lasidora Paryhabana

    Hi. I need some advise on this spider as she seems to sit on the side of her glass a lot. I have tried making the substrate wet, dry, in the middle of the two but she insists on sitting there in the evenings.
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  • #2
    I meant Lasiodora parahybana


    • #3
      Hi Matt,
      A lot of spids adopt the *side of the tank position*...nothing too unusual there! My *kitchen crew* have a heatmat along the back wall of their tanks, and they're frequently posing and basking against it.

      So...two questions, how long have you had the L.Parahybana? Is your heatmat under the tank?


      • #4
        I've had her about 7 months or so. i have no heat mat as that particular room is always really warm due to the hot water tank being in there. She's been fine up till now so i see no need to change that. She's only done this after her last moult. As you said, perhaps she just likes it there maybe.


        • #5
          She could be absorbing the warmth of the room through the glass.

          Although i have to say that my para changes personality/habits and temperment from moult to moult too.

          If i could pop a thought your way?
          fill up the tank with substrate half way....two reasons...less height for her to fall from and more substrate will enable her to display her natural instinct to burrow and move her substrate around to suit her.
          Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

          Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


          • #6
            Ahh, that's fine...I had just wondered if you had placed a heatmat under her tank which she may have tried to get away from...but as you don't have one, I think your little lady is just being *spidery*!!

            Sometimes they take a while to settle in before they start to explore properly, and as they age their behaviour can go through changes too, for example...I've got a juvenile B.Klaasi who went from being very sweet to very skittish and now kicks hair a lot after two moults, but I also have an H.Lividum who has got more calm and steady as time passes!


            • #7
              I'll do that with the substrate then i think. I didn't know this species burrowed?
              Thanks for your help.


              • #8
                This is what makes forums so useful Matt, you have a Lasiodora, so does Colin, I do...and other folks will have them too. So there's going to be many different ways of comparing how each other's spideys behave.
                Mine have 6" of substrate...but I've never seen any of them burrow or move it around...they are usually out and resting on their hides or posing alongside the edges of the tank...which is one of the attractions as a good display species.

                Colin...does your dig and shovel??


                • #9
                  Shovels the stuff around mostly, digs a little bit in the corners. it moves the bark bit around too.
                  this moults "personality" is to be out in the open all the time and rarely use it's hide
                  Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                  Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Colin D Wilson View Post
                    Shovels the stuff around mostly, digs a little bit in the corners. it moves the bark bit around too.
                    this moults "personality" is to be out in the open all the time and rarely use it's hide
                    Mine until it reached 5-6" made quite a nice burrow and on the seldom occassions you seen it in the open the slightest disturbance and away she went, flying back down.

                    Now it just lounges around outside and attacks the water dish when I try and fill it.

                    In fact it attacks everything lol

                    Fantastic spiders.
                    All those legs and not a pair of shoes in sight... Nice tarsus tho...


                    • #11
                      L Para

                      Hi Matt
                      My L Para started off climbing the glass all the time or hanging upside down from the roof of the viv but now she just lounges around in full view and chills out
                      Rarely bothers to climb the glass now of burrow anymore as she got bigger
                      ( perhaps she has had it to good and got lazy??)


                      Maxine 9 - 9.5 inch Lasiodora Parahybana
                      Pet charity site

