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Settled in nicely and feeding well

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  • Settled in nicely and feeding well

    Well, I got home from my torturous weekend at my parent's (I think I suffered from what they call seperation anxiety) to find Ruby had settled herself in nicely in our absence. She has decided the cork bark at the 'warm' end of the tank was the best location for a retreat as denoted by the smattering of silk on the floor, and she was happily perched on top with one leg extended downwards to touch the threads just outside of her house, in what I now beleive is her 'I'm peckish and I am just going to sit here and see what wanders by' pose after the gusto with which she pounced on the poor hapless cricket I popped in! Gone in seconds - and absolutley nothing left!!!

    She appears much more relaxed now that she has established her safe spot, and has extended her legs away from her body allowing her to be viewed in all her glory, she is a very lovely chocolate brown with chestnutty hairs and a deep pink margin to her carapace. Very pretty. With all the helpful photography hints (thanks all! ) I should hopefully get some good shots over the next few days, watch this space.....

  • #2
    Glad all's well with your new addition, a nice few images in the Pix Section would be appreciated.

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