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chile rose again

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  • chile rose again

    continueing on from my last post my rose has now rolled the web up into a ball and is guarding it with her life,assuming its an egg sac how do i know if its going to produce slings or not.....this is very strange behaviour for my spider
    all those moments will be lost in rain

  • #2
    if you mated her or is a wc female and not moulted there is a good chance it will produce slings , good luck


    • #3
      Originally posted by scott wilson View Post
      continueing on from my last post my rose has now rolled the web up into a ball and is guarding it with her life,assuming its an egg sac how do i know if its going to produce slings or not.....this is very strange behaviour for my spider
      I am assuming here that it is indeed an eggsac. A photo would be helpful. This is a little late for a rose to lay eggs unless it has been in captivity several years and has made the transition from a Southern Hemisphere timetable to a Northern Hemisphere one.

      In your previous post you stated that the female rose had molted some time ago. If she has not been bred by a male the eggs are infertile and the whole thing's a dud.

      However, if you have bred here since her last molt, there is a fairly good chance that the eggs are fertile. If so, you need to raise the humidity in that cage enough so the eggs don't dessicate and die; and you need to do so NOW. Dampen the substrate with room temperature tap water and cover the open part of the cage with plastic food wrap to hold in the humidity.

      Then get back to us about whether she's been bred since her last molt.
      The Tarantula Whisperer!
      Stan Schultz
      Co-author, the TARANTULA KEEPER'S GUIDE
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      • #4
        chile rose phantom pregnancy

        well i got in from work last night and its guarding this egg sac with her life,but as she hasnt been mated while ive had her it cant be fertile can it?she was added to my collection of 8 Ts early last year and has moulted once around november....ive kept various tarantulas for over 15 years and this is a 1st for me. i put it down to living with my better half a 2 hormonal teenage daughters all that oestrogen floating around must of effected the spider lol
        all those moments will be lost in rain


        • #5
          Originally posted by scott wilson View Post
          well i got in from work last night and its guarding this egg sac with her life,but as she hasnt been mated while ive had her it cant be fertile can it?she was added to my collection of 8 Ts early last year and has moulted once around november....ive kept various tarantulas for over 15 years and this is a 1st for me. i put it down to living with my better half a 2 hormonal teenage daughters all that oestrogen floating around must of effected the spider lol
          Chickens lay eggs without a rooster within miles. Women marooned on desert islands still suffer periods with no guy in sight. And, captive female tarantulas sometimes come into breeding condition without being bred. No problem. Let her brood the eggsac until she throws it away.

          Wait until she molts again, then find her a fresh male for a boyfriend. (A male that has matured within the last month.) Then try the reproduction thing for real.

          Best of luck.
          The Tarantula Whisperer!
          Stan Schultz
          Co-author, the TARANTULA KEEPER'S GUIDE
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