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Dont wanna Bore you to Death with Questions But Glasgow Andrew Has Another

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  • Dont wanna Bore you to Death with Questions But Glasgow Andrew Has Another

    My Chile Rose does not wanna eat, perhaps it is full up, but when I put in a cricket the other day it avoided it and was prepared to give up its shallow open burrow for it, the cricket could have been easily dispatched but was given a life line and major respect. Wondering what this could mean? Any suggestions?
    I panicked a bit thinking it was in pre-molt and decided to remove the cricket, still not sure though. Should I feed it in a week or so?

  • #2
    that's exactly what you should do!
    don't worry, they fast like that occasionally, sometimes for months.
    Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
    -Martin Luther King Jr.

    <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


    • #3
      yep. My own little 4th instar hasn't eaten anything since Christmas! not even pinheads! Keep expecting a molt, rarely see her at all now, all food removed, water topped up, sit and wait, and pour myself a guinness

      Might I suggest you put your questions in your existing threads. That way everyone subscribed to that thread will find it easy to follow the history. Its likely it will get more replies too.
      My Collection - Summer 2011


      • #4
        wot no appetite

        Spot on Andrew
        just remove the cricket and try again next week she may be coming up for a moult
        My L Para started to worry me when it refused all food in December moulted at the start of Jan and has only just started eating again now (with a vengance) thats seven weeks with no food at all She was the same running away from crickets and locusts and avoiding everything but now she cant get enough she has eaten a whole carton of crickets in four days plus a couple of bits of steak and is still looking for more
        at the end of the day the spider knows whats best and as mentioned in a previous post nobody has ever mentioned a "T" starving to death


        Maxine 9 - 9.5 inch Lasiodora Parahybana
        Pet charity site

