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sexing pokie's the easy way

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  • #16
    I will happily buy you a pint and Toran too.

    You all know I love the internet and I dragged the BTS into this back in 97, but I know just how easy it is to be so faceless in this electronic world. Hence the real name thing!

    Yes Chris I know you, and we have experience things that others may dream off, so we understand each other with a different level to those who have never met.

    That's my real concern over the internet, its such a great place, but is also a double edge sword! people form opinions about others on such a whim. Yet 9 times out of 10 this is the wrong opinion. Such a faceless and despite it's acronym its faceless and anti social place.

    The days are gone when we all met at shows and via articles and the BTS breeding directory. Relationships that took time and were nurtured with respect and trust.

    The net has brought great gains to the hobby but has also brought misunderstanding, hate and loathing, things that may have taking years to to formulate, now takes minutes, but without face to face contact.

    Toran, and Chris the beers are on me OK.

    All the best
    Last edited by Mark Pennell; 26-01-08, 06:31 AM.

    Serious Ink tattoo studio -
    Discounts on tattoo's for BTS members
    My Collection: - Support captive breeding


    • #17

      Yes Chris
      Keep posting the great threads, as people like myself who have not kept poki's and just about to, will find the info very informative indeed.

      I have a collection but none of poki's yet, would the same apply to other airboreals or just poki's. It's very interesting in how you do it, is it through the vessel you keep them in or do you pick them up.

      I've heard off people that you can still get a nasty bite off a s/ling, even though they are only small. As one guy told me he had a bad reaction and is arm swelled up like a balloon, I don't realy relish that thought so I will try through the vessel I am going to keep them in.

      I have noticed that you can see the book lungs fairly easy through the vessel, so it would be ok to do sexing through it I would supose.
      Thanks a lot
      My Other Critters Are.

      "Tarantulas of coarse."


      • #18
        The net has brought great gains to the hobby but has also brought misunderstanding
        Mark, you'reperfectly right, and I personnaly often have great pain of this misunderstanding

        Best wishes,


        • #19
          can someone please offend me? then Mark will buy us beer also to make up!



          • #20
            Sorry guys if any one is getting a beer from Mr P then its me.........Im the one he phones when you lot get up his nose on here.

            Rayzor Hale
            British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

            The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
            [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


            • #21
              Three quick points:

              1) I'm also going to the lectures and I'm NOT wearing a tin hat whatever disagreements there are.

              2) I've only tried sexing on once, a male P. striata which I got right. I'll try this new method though.

              3) Seeing as you're buying the drinks, mine's a gin Ray! see you there!
              sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Roy Patten View Post
                Yes Chris
                Keep posting the great threads, as people like myself who have not kept pokies and just about to, will find the info very informative indeed.

                I have a collection but none of poki's yet, would the same apply to other arboreal or just pokies. It's very interesting in how you do it, is it through the vessel you keep them in or do you pick them up.

                I've heard off people that you can still get a nasty bite off a s/ling, even though they are only small. As one guy told me he had a bad reaction and is arm swelled up like a balloon, I don't realy relish that thought so I will try through the vessel I am going to keep them in.

                I have noticed that you can see the book lungs fairly easy through the vessel, so it would be ok to do sexing through it I would supose.
                Thanks a lot
                Hi, I just wait until mine are on the side of the tank and then get my magnifying glass and torch out. If I happen to be rehousing I put them in a cricket tub and do the same.
                Last edited by Mark Pennell; 26-01-08, 04:55 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by nicoladolby View Post
                  1) I'm also going to the lectures and I'm NOT wearing a tin hat whatever disagreements there are.
                  He he he ......Brilliant!!
                  Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                  Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


                  • #24
                    Sexing Pokies DEAD EASSY

                    females have eggsacs males have bulbs,

                    i have tried many times to do this ventral sexing stuff with Pokes and i cant do it, i have tried skin sexing ..................but they hear you and change sex (either that or at night they get out of thier containers, and swap the skins over, then get back into thier containers..........without you knowing) so what you think are females turn into males

                    the ventral thingy works with Brachypelmas..............what do you expect from non thinking pet rocks??? they couldnt work out how to get out of thier containers and excahnage the skins ..................COULD THEY???? NO!

                    Thats half the people in the hobby many beers is that???

                    JUST thought,,,,,,managed to keep both bits of the thread on track LOLOLOL



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Ray Gabriel View Post
                      Sexing Pokies DEAD EASSY

                      females have eggsacs males have bulbs,

                      ... I must make a note of that Ray

                      My Collection:

