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BIG Question???

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  • BIG Question???

    I have been seeing for a long time dealers selling SO called mated females.
    My QUESTION is to anyone who has bought a so called mated Female.
    Did it produce a sac? and was it fertile?
    The reason I ask is would it not be very easy to con PEOPLE into paying a higher price for a female that is labeled mated. I am sure over feeding a female to get her nice and fat and slaping a mated price tag on her would be like shooting fish in a barrel. I mean If I ran a T shop or of the like I would keep mated females to keep my stock up wouldn't that be the smart thing to do, even more so if it was a P. met or something. I Just want someone to prove my thinking that it is a huge CON, wrong.
    "The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?"
    Jeremy Bentham

  • #2
    Originally posted by Toran Tanner View Post
    I have been seeing for a long time dealers selling SO called mated females.
    My QUESTION is to anyone who has bought a so called mated Female.
    Did it produce a sac? and was it fertile?
    The reason I ask is would it not be very easy to con PEOPLE into paying a higher price for a female that is labeled mated. I am sure over feeding a female to get her nice and fat and slaping a mated price tag on her would be like shooting fish in a barrel. I mean If I ran a T shop or of the like I would keep mated females to keep my stock up wouldn't that be the smart thing to do, even more so if it was a P. met or something. I Just want someone to prove my thinking that it is a huge CON, wrong.
    This one is as old as the hills, a common ploy/ rouge to shift tarantulas at inflated prices.

    The reason it works is thus. It promises that for a larger outlay you may get a eggsac and young that you could potentially sell on and recoup your losses.

    In reality when the tarantula fails to produce, the seller has more get out clauses than an A-Listers prenuptial wedding agreement.

    Ohh you kept it wrong, you never did this or did that etc etc etc.

    My advice is you should never pay extra for a mated female unless
    (a) You trust this person with your life!
    (b) You were present when it was mated!
    (c) you have more money than sense and you are to dim to know any better.

    Also not every mating is successful and years ago one well know trader would state multiple mated. Yet no one ever really got anything from these.

    Well its good to see that this wonderful ploy has come round again. Next thing you know the old exploding tarantula cactus story will be doing the rounds.

    If they guarantee that no egg sac we will refund the difference, are you sure they will still be trading in a few months time...

    One should always seek advice and look into traders references before any purchase there are some well know and very professional traders out there, and quite a few fast buck merchants, a few good people who know the difference, so just ask these people..

    Last edited by Mark Pennell; 31-01-08, 08:46 PM.

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