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BTS Exhibition 2008 News

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  • BTS Exhibition 2008 News

    Hi everyone, just a quick note to keep you updated on the 2008 Exhibition.

    The venue is all booked and ready to go. The trader application forms have all gone out (yesterday) and we expect a great response this year.

    I know that last year , being a new venue , we had a few teething problems but thats par for the course. This year we have acquired a THIRD hall that is as big as the main arena and we will be expanding into it. So no more cramped aisles . . So if anyof you had misgivings last year forget them because we have sorted it.

    The smaller of the three ( ie the gymnasium) will be used to house the Competitions ( so lots of entries please especially art and photos) and Andrew Smith's lecture. (An absolute cracker this year on his trip to Mexico in search of Brachypelma).

    Remember you dont have to be a member to get in but of course members do get a concession.

    I have a meeting with the Venue in March and we will finalise any hic cups then.

    If any of you wish to TRADE at the Exhibition then please PM your address and I will be glad to send out you an application form. The Exhibition isnt just about huge dealers selling spiders but getting the hobbyist involved and a chance to meet like minded individuals.

    See you all there.

    Ray Hale
    BTS Commitee
    British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

    The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
    [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]

  • #2
    will be there, see you there.
    "The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?"
    Jeremy Bentham


    • #3
      My BTS membership is in progress as we converse, and I have niftily arranged to visit friends in Leamington Spa that weekend so am hoping to be able to pop in to the exhibition. You mention, and I have read before, about entries for the 'artwork' competition. Are there rules/restrictions? Is it just painting/drawing? I mainly work in textiles.


      • #4
        No rules really all a bit of fun.

        Art work can take any form. We put photos and slides in other catergories but we have had all sosrts entered in the art.

        Once had a pasta picture of a spider and even a tattoo........

        I will post up the catergories soon.

        British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

        The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
        [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


        • #5
          We'll be there!

          I first came to the exhibition 2 years ago with my younger sister. Last year it was me, sister and 1 of her friends. This year it will be me, sister and at least 2 friends. If it keeps goes at this rate in a few years I'll have to hire a minibus!
          We look forward to it every year and always have a really enjoyable time. It's nice that it's not just tarantulas, but other invertebrates too. It makes the exhibition feel more welcoming and accessible to all invertebrate enthusiasts.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ray Hale View Post
            even a tattoo........
            Either this person had a very painful BTS exhibition or a very dull one being stuck in the competition room almost all day!


            • #7
              BTS Exhibition May 18th 2008 update

              Hi everyone, well the exhibition rapidly approaches and i wanted to give you a weekly update.

              This year we have acquired another hall that is as big as the sports hall last year. So we will have two huge halls packed full of goodies and the gym will be used for the annual lecture by our esteemed chairman, Andrew Smith. The gym will also be used for the competition as we felt last year the designated area was a liitle crowded. So get your entries ready. For a list of catergories visit the Exhibition page on the BTS site.
              We are keen to promote the hobbyist/breeder at this years exhibition and so if any of you guys wish to trade at the event then please contact me directly. A number of keepers have already got together and booked a few tables. So why not come along and move your surplus stock on. PM me for deatails.

              On a sadder note some of you may be subscribers to the Arachnophiles site and if you are you will konw about the recent tragic death of one of their own. A little lad known as "Johhny Boy". The BTS along with Aracachnophiles have agreed to sponsor a memorial trophy at out annual exhibition. After discussion we have agreed to call it

              "The Best Newcomer to the hobby award: Under 16"

              This trophy will be awarded annually to a membership nominated person under 16 who has shown the most promise. Who knows they may even be a future commitee member. So if you feel that you know someone who fits the bill for this award this year then agian please PM me.
              I need to know. Name, age, what they keep and what they hope to acheive within the hobby. Please support this award as although we dont often all agree we all have the resolve to stand together when we need to.

              Every thing you need to know about the Exhibition is on our and if you need any more info then please just drop me a line.

              Best wishes and hope to see you all at the Exhibition.

              Ray Hale
              BTS Exhibition Organiser.
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              Last edited by Richard Gallon; 31-05-08, 12:25 PM.
              British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

              The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
              [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]

