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Help with my juvenile B. smithi. Please!?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Kate Arbon View Post
    I'm sure your Smiffy will be fine. Most the Brachypelma I've had have hidden a lot when small. My not-quite-new-anymore B. emilia is my first proper digger though, he tunnelled out through the bottom of his flowerpot and kept on going
    At least he had the courtesy to do it next to the glass lol! Looks very roomy in there - perhaps you should get Kevin McCloud over to do a 'grand design' shoot.


    • #17
      What you can't see in that pic is that the tunnel continues on around the corner and goes along the other side of the tank as well. I was a bit worred that if he carried on digging all the way around the whole centre of the dirt would collapse in but he seems to have got bored now and just likes hanging out in that corner. It is cool, I don't have any burrowing species so this is the first proper tunnel I've seen one of my T's make

