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Moulting - RIGHT NOW!!!!

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  • Moulting - RIGHT NOW!!!!

    Got in from work today and Ruby was sitting rather awkwardly against the side of her tank, by the time I had changed and gone down for tea she was busy constructing her moulting mat.

    I have just been upstairs and she is on her back!!!!

    She is in full view and although I only have a small lamp on in the room you can see her wriggle every now and then. The carapace is still intact but she has pulled her fangs right back (squirting liquid from them as she did so) and she is moving them round a lot.

    Nail bitting begins......

    could she be done by the time I get to bed - watch this space tomorrow for an update!

  • #2
    Don't forget about your camera
    People like to see pictures.
    Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

    Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


    • #3
      Kl! I can't wait to get my B. Smithi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Li'l' Ice Cube the Brachypelma Smithi!!! (As of 13/05/08 !!) But, I'm still gonna refer to it as Ice Cube!
      Pyro the Brachypelma Auratum!!!!!!!!!!

      Many, many thanks Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • #4
        Always fascinating watching them moult

        My Collection:

