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Sorted out the cracks!

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  • Sorted out the cracks!

    Hey Y'all
    So I've taken good advice from Clinton Hogben about reinforcing my lid; but I'm a bit lazy and I'd rather fix the cracks in the lid and place it on the tank
    and put a few books on it to keep it down!
    I've used a form of tape - and I think over the years it's lost its stickyness! So what I want to do tomorrow is careful patch up the cracks with SUPERGLUE and leave the two crevices open, as they can be used for ventilation. What I'm worried about is any toxic chemicals, though I would've thought that leaving it for a few weeks will allow any toxins to die, and shouldn't actually affect the Smithi when it begins living in that tank.
    Do you think using superglue could harm the tarantula, even after a month or so of applying it to the lid?
    Thank you,
    Li'l' Ice Cube the Brachypelma Smithi!!! (As of 13/05/08 !!) But, I'm still gonna refer to it as Ice Cube!
    Pyro the Brachypelma Auratum!!!!!!!!!!

    Many, many thanks Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Hey Rich! Another possibility is using a glue gun. Nice, thick substance to work with, that should fill up the cracks nicely. Since this is a common way to secure fixtures in arborreal tanks, it's a pretty safe substance.


    • #3
      Just be careful with superglue. It can give clear plastic a clouded apperance if you use too much.
      Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pam Turner View Post
        Hey Rich! Another possibility is using a glue gun. Nice, thick substance to work with, that should fill up the cracks nicely. Since this is a common way to secure fixtures in arborreal tanks, it's a pretty safe substance.
        When my brother moved into my dad's place, there was a brand new glue gun. I'm gonna give him a ring to see if he got rid of it or if he still has it.

        Originally posted by Andrew Ferguson View Post
        Just be careful with superglue. It can give clear plastic a clouded apperance if you use too much.
        No need to worry then, it is black plastic! I'll see if I can get a hold of the glue gun, but I'll probably end up using super glue!

        Thank you Pam and Andrew!
        Li'l' Ice Cube the Brachypelma Smithi!!! (As of 13/05/08 !!) But, I'm still gonna refer to it as Ice Cube!
        Pyro the Brachypelma Auratum!!!!!!!!!!

        Many, many thanks Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

