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OT: forum software

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  • OT: forum software

    How do I turn off being notified every time some replies to a thread that I have posted on?

    If I go into the UserCP, I can see a list of topics and I have to click on unsubscribe. But as soon as I reply again, I'm subscribed again!

    I cannot see a way of disabling this feature. Or am I just being a bit stupid? I participate on two watch forums that use the same v bulletin software and neither notify me of replies. Which is great as some threads can get 50+ posts in no time at all.
    Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.

  • #2
    It seems my airhead Friday that I was encountering yesterday has spilt over to today. As soon as I had posted the thread, I noticed the Edit Options in the User CP. D'oh!!!
    Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


    • #3
      tee-hee. Just to clarify, into Edit Options, Default Thread Subscription Mode, set to "Do not subscribe" or "no email notifcation".
      vBulletin is great forum software because it offers so much control, because it offers community created plug-ins and because it regularly updates against malicious content. I've been using it for over 6 years and finally got to meet some of the team last year. They gave me a cup and a pen! wow!!!!
      My Collection - Summer 2011

