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Woke up this morning...

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  • Woke up this morning... find my lamanai, Becki, dead in her water dish. Yes, I am sure she's gone. No response to anything I tried before I moved her out of it.

    She's been out of her burrow for the last 3 days, which I thought odd. Normally never see her. I also found her hanging in a corner 2 nights ago, but she could have easily put her 4th set of legs on the strate if needed. Last pm I noticed her sitting with her front sets of legs pulled up to her, but not under. The back sets were still in normal, relaxed position. Again, I thought "odd", but no alarms went off that screamed, "Get her in an ICU stat!"

    I would wet her strate once a week, in the area of the burrow, but not right next to (didn't want to flood the poor thing), and she always had a full water dish. Tried to keep her in the same conditions she was when I got her in Dec. Can't imagine how she would have gotten dehydrated, especially when you consider she was one of my better eaters. One med cricket a week, gone in a flash.

    Another odd thing, was that when I turned her over, to check for injuries, etc, the main wet area was around her mouth, despite being in the dish. It was a clear fluid, nothing about it to make me suspect anything in the parasitic arena. The bottom of the carapace was dry to the appearance, as well as the abdomen, even though (at first glance) it looked like the booklungs had been submerged. A few water drops on the back legs were the only other wet areas.

    I took a couple pics, but they were with my old SLR, which is a film camera, and thus I cannot immediately download anything for you all to see. They are also at the beginning of a roll, which means it could be just a while before I get them developed.

    Any ideas folks, or do we chalk this up to another learning experience?

    I am more frustrated by the mystery that anything. While I enjoyed her when she made an appearance, I wasn't overly attached to this particular T, so I am not as upset as one might expect. Does that sound cold??

    When my 4 yr old came in to find me bagging the T, he asked why I was doing that. When I told him she had died, he then said, "Now you need to go buy a new spider Mom." Thought you'd get a kick out of that.

  • #2
    Sorry to hear of your loss and its a shame you don't know why. Personally I hate with a vengence the not knowing as it suggests we haven't learned from the experience and it might happen again. Hopefully others with more experience can hint at possible causes.
    My Collection - Summer 2011


    • #3
      Can I add my commiserations too. Its horrible when a pet dies and we have to go through that. Hope you're feeling better soon.
      sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!

