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  • Grooming?

    Well Ruby is certainly up and about now after her moult last week. I know a lot of you refer to changes in behaviour post-moult and I have noticed a few that perhaps you guys could shed some light on.

    1) I have observed a new relaxed (I am assuming relaxed) sitting position, this involes laying her legs straight along the side length of her body, 2 to the front and 2 towards the back, she keeps very low to the substrate with all her joints stretched out except the last one before the 'feet' which are flexed making her look like she is about to launch into press-ups! I am not concerned about this as I have observed this pose in photos of Ts in books on them etc. I have just never seen her do it before.

    2) This morning I glanced in and for a brief moment thought she was eating her leg!!!!! I know I haven't fed her for a while due to the moulting etc. but that is a bit drastic if you ask me! On closer inspection I noticed that she actually appeared to be 'grooming'. This consisted of running a palp and a rear leg over her (2nd) leg repeatedly then running legs and palps in turn under her fangs, then repeating. She did not appear to be in any distress.

    Is this 'grooming' common or is it a sign she might have mites! Mites are a constant concern to me (my husband says I am a 'mite' obsessive!! sorry!) I have not seen any evidence of any (although I know they must be there - watching me from behind the perspex) although when I topped up her water last night the top of her abdomen looked like it had little grains on it in some lights (although I have now convinced myself that this was just the way the light was hitting her newly hairy behind!). I understand that mites are not a huge bother unless there is a population explosion - and that Ts can groom them off if necessary, but she has just moulted so if it is mites I would hate to think they were taking advantage. I have been leaving her 'heating' on to make sure the substrate is nice and dry just in case.

    In any means I am taking this as a sign that her cuticle is now nicely hardend and I am safe to attempt feeding again. She has been showing signs of looking for dinner again (sitting on the side of her tank with a singluar extended leg touching the substrate, moving around excitedly when I lift the lid etc.).

    Would be grateful for your views - especially about the grooming - I would hate to think she was being bothered by mites and felt she had to take things into her own 'legs'.

  • #2
    She's simply putting her make up on after her moult Tarting herself up lol They all do it They take on that arboreal type pose as a kinda of stretch while they're soft.. Love it! Everything sounds normal so i wouldn't worry


    • #3
      the grooming is normal I can watch for ages my L para will often have several legs off the ground at the same time for a wash
      Im just waiting for her to make a mistake and pick up the wrong leg then fall in a heap te he


      Maxine 9 - 9.5 inch Lasiodora Parahybana
      Pet charity site


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rebecca Norris View Post
        She's simply putting her make up on after her moult Tarting herself up lol They all do it They take on that arboreal type pose as a kinda of stretch while they're soft.. Love it! Everything sounds normal so i wouldn't worry

        Few! thank goodness for that - she was getting a bit cheesed off last night of me keep shining my daylight lamp at her trying to get a better view! (she was very good natured about it though, just kept moving out the way and covering her eyes lol). My husband was also getting a bit cheesed off I think, but he was probably just feeling neglected!

        It is nice to think that she is having a bit of a 'preen' and checking the new coat out. It wasn't until she moulted that I realised how 'bald' she had been before hand - she looks so nice and fluffy now - you could almost cuddle her (she might not agree of course she probably thinks her new furry coat makes her look big and scary)

