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New T- Nahndu Chromatus sling//*Avic sling advice please*

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  • New T- Nahndu Chromatus sling//*Avic sling advice please*

    Ok so I don't actually get it til friday, but its my first new t in about 9 years and omg I am so excited

    I've been looking at getting more for a while now (I have 2 atm, t. pruriens and b. smithi), but as I decided to go back to university and am now a full time student, my funds are somewhat limited, so I am limiting myself to just a few new slings.

    I was keen on getting an avic, and despite having succesfully kept an adult avic I am terrified of getting a sling incase it dies
    I had a purpurea sling years ago and I had it for several months but then died for no apparent reason.

    There are some avic sp peru purple available and I have made some enquiries about them, I have sat a sling cup with a thermometer in it on the edge of my heat mat and it is maintaining a constant 80, with the ambient temperature of my room being 70 during the day and about 60 at night.
    I am confident about maintaining the humidity, its just the temp I am worried about.

    Also it has been suggested that it would be better to have the heat mat at the side of the tub?
    But I don't really see how that would work when it was still a sling...the sling tubs are so small...also it would be sharing a heatmat with my other 2 and they've been kept in the same conditions (heatmat under one end) for 9 years now and they are thriving, the last thing I want to do is change that!

    I really want to get it because they are such beautiful spiders, but I am so worried about killing it, would it be ok sitting on the edge of the heat mat at 80?
    Or should I just forget about getting an avic for now?
    Last edited by Gayle E. Anderson; 10-03-08, 03:23 PM.

  • #2
    How about keeping the sling pot within one of your main tanks.
    At the moment I have around 50 avic slings in pots,contained in a petpal with a taped on lid thats sat inside a shared with a snake. The ambient temperature is fine for them. A mixture of A. purple peru's , sp guyana, and bicegoi, and 6 months on I lost just one.


    • #3
      hrmm I could do. It could sit in with the pruriens easy enough. The smithi would dig it up/knock it over/roll it about for sure. Shes a vandal.

      The hot end of my pruriens is at 80F. would it be ok at constant 80F or would I be better to sit it further along, at about 75F?
      Last edited by Gayle E. Anderson; 10-03-08, 03:47 PM.


      • #4
        With the avic, high humidity is fine, but be careful there is not too much liquid water on the substrate - it should not be wet. you can increase the ventilation by using fine netting and a rubber band instead of a plastic lid - but make sure the sling pot is in another larger container to retain humidity.

        See my new blog about Bristol's bug life: Bristol Loves Bugs


        • #5

          Mainly just the temp I am concerned about....but ever care sheet I have read says 80F would be fine.

          Going to get Coir to use as substrate for my Chromatus (I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS GUY, every timer I mention it I get a massive grin )will coir be fine for my smithi and pruriens? they are due a clean out. and would it suit the avic, if I get it?

