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Bit of moult stuck on smithi

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  • Bit of moult stuck on smithi

    My juvi B smithi moulted through the night on saturday. Yesterday morning we saw some of her moult was stuck to her. Managed to get the carapace bit off that was stuck as it was half hanging off but there is still a patch stuck to the abdomen and stuck hard and fast and could not get it off. Will it fall off itself as she hardens and grows a little or will she get it off herself or do we need to intervene further and persevere but I cant see being able to get it off is it is stuck right down on her abdomen??

    Any advice would be wholly appreciated.

    Claire Beckett

    My Collection: - Support captive breeding

    to be updated additions

  • #2
    To be honest I'd leave it there. the skin is dead and may just drop off, and as long as its not over thwe book lungs (the four patches on the underside of the abdomen at the front), then your spider will have no difficulty in breathing. If it doesn't come off, it will with the next moult. Also sometimes when tarantulas have a 'bad moult' when things don't go just right, they will immediately go into another moulting cycle and re-moult to correct the problem. If your spider goes off his/her food don't panic, just let us know and if possible post some pics as well. Hope this helps
    sigpicHate is for people who find thinking a little too complicated!


    • #3
      I had a 4cm LS emilia moult and a small area on the abdomen "stuck", she pulled it around for a few hours untill it fell off leaving a small bald spot that looked quite *sore*, it hardened up, formed a sort of scab and it didn't seem to be a problem. she moulted again three to four (ish) weeks later and the bald area was almost unnoticable.
      Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

      Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


      • #4
        Thanks guys. I will leave her for now and see what happens. She doesnt seem bothered by it, moving around as normal so I'll hang on and see what she does.

        Claire Beckett

        My Collection: - Support captive breeding

        to be updated additions


        • #5
          one of my little A iodius had some moult stick to the top of the abdomen last time, but it came off by itself with no apparent ill effects.
          as the others said, i'd not worry about it too much...worst case scenario it'll come out in the next moult!
          Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
          -Martin Luther King Jr.

          <-Black Metal Contra Mundum->
          My Collection: - Support captive breeding

