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Pamphobeteus communal setups....any out there?

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  • Pamphobeteus communal setups....any out there?

    Hi all, just joined today, awesome site!

    Ive seen many thread on the infamous "chicken spider" (or Meerkat spider..) but was wondering if nyone had tried a communal setup with other Pampho sp.? I have read Craig's thread and afew others.

    Has there been observations of any Pampho's that were not the alleged "chicken spider" being communal long term?

  • #2
    very interesting you ask i have 2 P. fortis that are unrelated as far as i know of both sexes i a also writing alittle on the social activities of spiders i am tempted to set up a large enclosure for the and see what happens. i will keep you posted.



    • #3
      i have introduced them and there was no aggression on their meeting they are now in separate hides.........i will keep you posted


      • #4
        Wesley! That's brilliant but Iwish you luck! How big are the Pampho's and in what size terrarium have you put them? Did they actually 'meet'?


        • #5
          they have walked over eachother etc the female is 4.5" and the male is 3-4" legspan they are in a 18" storage container.


          • #6
            Originally posted by wesley flower View Post
            they have walked over eachother etc the female is 4.5" and the male is 3-4" legspan they are in a 18" storage container.
            I would love to see some pics of them. I am planning on getting some Pampho's before the heat hits around the begining of June. Im sure there has to be someone who has tried a community out there.....


            • #7
              i can never seem to post pics here but i will get some on arachnophiles in a couple of days, failing that you could pm me your email address and i will email you the pics


              • #8
                now both in separate hides they survived the night when i went to bed they were both nomadic. and now they are eating crickets i add not each other

                i would say that this species is social tolerant but not communal (if you know what i mean), they may not be like some poecilotheria i have seen and share the same web etc but will tolerate each other in the same enclosure if large enough, and there is plenty of food available


                • #9
                  good luck as i said on AP, Wesley...hope to see an article soon
                  i've got a bit of a Yamia experiment going, but as they're pet holes, i don't expect to actually see alot of interraction til they mature...
                  Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
                  -Martin Luther King Jr.

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