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floury eggs

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  • floury eggs

    Now as I had a few egg sack´s in my time in the hobby, I’ll still wonder, as I empty the egg sack in too incubation, there is some “spices” that has/leaves a floury look on the egg´s. Now I’m thinking why, and is this only on some “spices”. Example my pokes have always been giving egg´s with a clear polish look, but example with my H. maculata. They had the floury look. Could this be caused by the way the egg sack is being keep with the “T” as the example, H. maculata as this spices is attaching the eggs sack on to bark and exc. Or is there a more logical explanation to this…????

    best regards

    Ole Stoiberg. - DK.

  • #2
    Maybe it's to do with climate - the flour may help the eggs to keep from sticking together, but in a damp climate the flour may make the eggs more sticky, so those eggs may be the polished ones. So for examle, are G rosie eggs floury, and T blondie eggs polished?
    Last edited by SylviRigden; 20-03-08, 05:18 PM.


    • #3
      stop putting spices in with your spiders than they don't like too smell of oregano. LOL sorry couldn't resist.
      "The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?"
      Jeremy Bentham


      • #4
        Originally posted by Toran Tanner View Post
        stop putting spices in with your spiders than they don't like too smell of oregano. LOL sorry couldn't resist.
        Doh sorry my bad spelling.... BIG mistake there....



        • #5
          I've had, in the past, egg sacs from a few females from the same species (G. rosea, G auriostriata), created in the same conditions with either the shiney (polished) or the marbled (dusty) appearance per individual sac, never mixed in the same sac though from personal experience.
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