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Just under a year

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  • Just under a year

    I think its about right but the old dragon indoors thinks I have too many

    No such thing as too many spiders ....... is there ?

    From this

    To this .. in just under a year



  • #2
    Why don't you keep her sweet and charge the public a fee to come see your Arachnid House. With the profit, try and refarin from adding to the collection and buying her something nice; like a house of her own LOL!!!
    Gloria my little Brachypelma smithi.


    • #3
      Maybe its not the amount of spiders but the time it takes to feed them all, she must be short of quality time with you. I suggest you getting her a tarantula outfit and standing her in the corner, then she will get some attention


      • #4
        Good grief Peter, I note there is an empty space on Picture 1. get it sorted lad....thats a waste of a shelf.

        British Tarantula Society - Join today safe and secure online

        The 29th BTS Annual Exhibition
        [B]Sunday 18th May 2014[B]


        • #5
          Peter, as always, its not the quantity that impresses me most but the attention to organised layout. Not one out of place! I had to laugh the first time I met Peter, he talked more about the tubs (and the bargainst that could be had on them) than the tarantula
          I'm sure we'll be seeing some of them at BTS
          My Collection - Summer 2011


          • #6
            Lol my housemates have said the same about me and tubs.

            Whenever there is a chinese takeawy tub or sauce dish, I'll have em, I could still do with more sauce trays, they are so useful for storing insects etc.

            And incidentally they are relatively expensive to buy so I can fully understand where Peter is coming from :P

            Online they can cost 20-30p a tray when you would only expect the manufacturing cost to be 1p or less.

            Kebab shop sells em to me for 10p per tray but maybe Peter can let me know of some better deals

            If I ever do get spiderlings I will need alot of small pots.

            PS: I would not be too worried about too many scorpions or spiders in the house but a dragon?!? Make sure it doesn't set the house on fire haha.
            <<< Waxworm specialist >>>


            • #7
              Sometimes I wonder if this is a hobby or an illness!

              (I'm just saying that cos I'm jealous, lol)


              • #8
                well peter, thats quite a collection you got going on there, must take ages at feeding time. if only i had the space or a family willing to let me have a collection of that size. it must be fantastic having the room to escape to like that

                My Collection: - Support captive breeding


                • #9

                  Hi all,

                  I allways wandered why people have such a problem in finding cheap vials. I have the luck to work in a lab that rears drosophila so no problem in finding small cheap tubs. I think we buy them in at $50 per 500 and we close them with a piece of cotton wool. I kept allready some slings like this and it works perfectly. Might be of use to you guys?



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jan soetaert View Post
                    Hi all,

                    I allways wandered why people have such a problem in finding cheap vials. I have the luck to work in a lab that rears drosophila so no problem in finding small cheap tubs. I think we buy them in at $50 per 500 and we close them with a piece of cotton wool. I kept allready some slings like this and it works perfectly. Might be of use to you guys?

                    If you can get sensible shipping to the UK then no doubt theres enough buyers here to make a couple of dollars for free spiders.

                    My Collection: - Support CB


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rich.Harrington View Post
                      If you can get sensible shipping to the UK then no doubt theres enough buyers here to make a couple of dollars for free spiders.
                      well, i live and work in the uk

                      I should look up where we actually order them from but I am sure we do not pay much more than prices stated.

                      I will have a look next monday and post supplier info on here.



                      • #12
                        $50 for 500 is a great price but I think that the average person would think that is SOOOOOO many vials when they only need a dozen or so.
                        I try and buy my containers by the hundred when I can but even i would baulk at buying 500 of one size at a time. Perhaps a few people could agree to split costs and the consignment of vials/boxes ?

                        I wouldnt say it takes me that much time to feed my little collection, When i had my snakes and geckos it would take at least an hour every weekday and all day saturday to sort them out. Now I feed each different size box on a different day and it takes me about 1/2 hour at a time, at the weekends I clean out the livefood containers, and just 'potter about' and do odd jobs and give the shed a general tidy and sweep up. This weekend is the job I hate most .... wash and disinfect the floor and work surface, I feel like mrs mop sometimes


                        • #13
                          I think if there's a few people interested in Jans offer they should post here, then arrange via PM a combined (evenly distributed) payment for the bulk lot.
                          when they arrive there's a few shows they can be passed on at or even a few quid for some postage won't add much to such a reasonable price.
                          Don't forget to learn what you can, when you can, where you can.

                          Please Support CB Grammostola :- Act Now To Secure The Future


                          • #14
                            I'd be interested in a few, but would ideally like to see a picture of the sizes of them first so I know just how many I want.

                            My Collection: - Support CB


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jan soetaert View Post
                              Hi all,

                              I allways wandered why people have such a problem in finding cheap vials. I have the luck to work in a lab that rears drosophila so no problem in finding small cheap tubs. I think we buy them in at $50 per 500 and we close them with a piece of cotton wool. I kept allready some slings like this and it works perfectly. Might be of use to you guys?

                              well it is Dutcher scientific. look under tubes and racks and then drosophila equipment. not too expensive but I doubt they will sell to non traders.


